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Hey I'm know as Stella Parker at school. The nerdy nerd with big glasses a skirt and tie with high socks. I'm that girl with perfect grades and I try to go by un noticed. I have only 2 best friends. Angelica also known as Jelly and Stefania also known as Cookie. They are the only two people in this school that know about my other life. The life I wish I can live everyday, but I choose do to have this declined life for privacy. I want an education without people wanting autographs and having fake friends that use me for popularity. I only need Jelly and Cookie.

Candy is a confident sexy girl with a smokin hot body. I work hard for everything. You may think "ohh modelling is soooo easy all you have to do is walk down the run way and pose in front of cameras." To do what I do, you have to run around after school. Do work outs and healthy (well your suppose to but getting me away from food is impossible) I have to run every night, do modelling shoots and handle the paparazzi following me.

I literally have to have a old crappy car that is tiny and wrecked and drive that to school, after school I drive to a alley and my limo is waiting for me and that's when I change from Stella to Candy
. I literally hate the life of nerdy Stella. My real name is Stella but my modelling name is Candy. But at school I have to listen to queen bitches who think they own this school. I get pushed into lockers, books knocked out of my hands. If only they knew who I really was...

Heyyyy babysssss xx
Hope you enjoy this book and have a laugh remember to
-Tay Tay xxxxx

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