Father's Near Death Experience +_+

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A/N: I'm having an updating stories marathon because I haven't updated in ages. I'm sooooooooooooooooooo sorry and thank you for being patient. The video doesn't belong to me. Enjoy the chapter! ^.^                                                                                                                                                             

Your POV

I was currently fighting my father until I had an idea. 'Every one split up!' 'But why, wouldn't it be easier to stick together?' Kimizuki replied. 'When it comes to Guren's team they always work together and will pick you off one by one. If we split up we will have the advantage.'  Shinoa replied. I looked behind me quickly and nodded to the squad. They all ran off in different directions while I handled my father. Then my father chuckled. "Do you really think that is going to work Y/N. I thought you knew better than that." My eyes narrowed. "Why don't you let your full power out. Then maybe this will be a fair fight." I gritted my teeth. I stood back and closed my eyes. 'Lucy I need your help what should I do?'  'He isn't giving you an option. You have to, you are very capable of stopping him as well.'  Lucy calmly replied. "Hmph... very well. But you asked for it father!" I lifted my w/o/c above my head and then brought it down again with great force causing father to be blown back by it. I smirked. "Are you still sure that you want to carry on?" He looked at me and smirked back. "Of course! I'm not going to be beaten by my daughter. It would bring down my reputation." I looked at him questionably. "Since when have you cared about reputation?" "Since now." He lunged at me trying to catch me off guard. But I teleported behind him. "That doesn't even make any sense." I then tapped his head with the back of my w/o/c sending him to the other side of the collapsing room. He gradually stood up and rubbed his head. A trail of blood made it's way down his forehead and he groaned in pain. "What are whining about? It was only a tap on the head." I said as I shrugged. "I'm gonna get you back for that." I started laughing. "Oh really? I bet you won't even land a hit on me." I taunted him. He charged at me and swung his sword at me I hardly dodged and got my (h/c) cut. I wobbled back and wiped the sweat off of my head. "I bet you won't even land a hit on me."  father said imitating my voice. I looked a my hair and it looked all uneven. "That's going to take ages to grow back again." Father looked confused. "Don't vampires regenerate?" I shrugged. "Not hair for some reason. It takes the same time as a human's hair would. I don't quite understand why because hair is the fastest growing cell in the body. Anyway I still need to stop you!" I ran straight towards him and just as he was about to hit me I teleported behind him again. He whipped his body around to hit me but I teleported again next to him. I swung the back of my w/o/c into his stomach and then he passed out. "He won't stay down for long." I put my w/o/c away and I ran out of the building to find the others. "Where are they?" I stopped when there was a crash behind me. I spun around only to find myself feeling the cold hard ground and someone on top of me. I opened my eyes and saw that it was Yoichi. "Yoichi?! Are you okay?!" He gave me a weak smile. "Y-yeah." Was all he said before he passed out. I tried shaking him awake until a shadow was cast over us by someone. I looked up to find my father looking down at me with a face like thunder. My eyes widened as I looked around. Most of my squad members had been knocked out and Mito, Shinya and my father were surrounding me. My hands balled up into fists. I gently pushed Yoichi off of me and stood up my hair covering my face. "Just because my team is knocked out and you are surrounding me still doesn't give you a hope of winning." I held out my hand and my w/o/c appeared in my hand. "Lucy, multiply!" Once I had given the command around 20 copies of my w/o/c circled around me. I held my hand up and all of the copies pointed towards Mito and my father. I slowly looked up and titled my head and put one hand over my left eye so only my red eye was showing. I looked like an insane monster. "Are you ready to be in a world of pain?" They looked at me shocked. I threw my arm down and the copies flew with great speed towards Mito. I heard her scream and I smelt the metallic smell of blood. She then fell to the ground unconscious. I wouldn't let them die so I made sure that I didn't hit anything important. I hadn't let the copies touch my father or Shinya. "Well father, how does it feel to watch your squad lose? Do you feel angry or sympathetic with Mito because I can assure you that she is in a lot of pain. Oh but don't worry I wouldn't kill them. I'm not a monster." His eyes widened. "Now do you want to join her? Oh wait, why am I asking you? You don't exactly have a choice." "Y/N stop!" He pleaded. I shook my head. "Sorry daddy." "Y/N! NO!" Shinya was running towards me but stopped when I pointed my hand to my father and five of the copies sped towards my father. I then heard him scream when the skin on his back was sliced. I heard the gasps of the soldiers watching. My w/o/c burst into shards of glass and Lucy stood in front of me. "Y/N you need to learn to control yourself! Your going to lose your sanity and will turn into a vampire with nothing on their mind aside from blood and power." My eyes widened and I fell to my knees. Tears started to fall down my cheeks. "Lucy please help me." I whispered. I then felt a pair of arms around me. I looked to see who it was and it was Shinya. "Shinya, what are you doing?" He smiled warmly. "Your not gonna go through this alone. you have us." I looked behind Shinya and saw my squad members smiling at me. They all walked over to me and they all hugged me including Lucy. "Thank you." I whispered. I broke the hug and walked over to the three members of my father's squad. 'I need to heal them.' I waved my hand over my father's back and his wound healed. I heard a groan from him as he started to wake up. I then walked over to Mito and did the same to her and her wound healed. She slowly got up and I held out my hand to help her up but she pushed it away. She looked at me with a stern expression but I saw the fear behind her eyes. I looked down disappointed with myself and walked back over to my squad. When I got near enough to my father I bowed. "I'm so sorry!" I heard a chuckle come from my father. I looked up at him confused. I then felt him pat my head. "It's okay. After all I did ask for you to go all out and you did." He glanced at Mito and then looked back at me. "She'll get over it. Your a good fighter. However you all need to work on your teamwork." I turned my head when someone coughed to get our attention. It was Narumi Makoto. "With all due respect sir, I don't think they should be on the battle field. They aren't good with teamwork and they would just slow us down." Guren flashed him a smile. "I know. How about I pair Shinoa's squad with yours so they can learn to do things properly." Narumi's eyes widened but he then gave in. "Very well sir." He then walked back to his squad. 'He really hates us.'  Mitsuba said/ thought. 'Well we'll just have to prove his opinion of us wrong.' responded Yu enthusiastically.

Time Skip 

After the whole incident I tried to find Mito to apologise to her. (Bold= You. Italics= Krul.)'Where could she be?' 'You could try to use your vampire senses.' 'Oh hi Krul, haven't heard from you in a while. Oh and thanks by the way.' I sniffed the air and caught Mito's sent. "Ooo strawberries." I ran along the trail of strawberries until I came along my father's squad's office. I bowed in the doorway. "Um is Colonel Mito here?" No one responded until I heard, "Yes, I'm here. Who is- oh it's you. What are you doing here?" She said trying to stay confident but I heard her voice crack a bit. 'Boy, you really scared her didn't you?'  'Not helping Krul.' "Well I wanted to apologise for what I did to you and I don't have an excuse as to why I lost control. What I did was unacceptable and no one should feel pain like that. I just hope you can forgive me." I bowed even lower. She looked bewildered for a second but I then felt I hand on my head. "I'm a Colonel I should be able to get over something like this besides you didn't drink my blood and you healed me. It was a fight and Guren asked you to go all out anyway so I guess you weren't in the wrong. I forgive you." My eyes widened and I stood up straight in an instant. I jumped up and hugged her. "Thank you!" 'You act like a little kid.'  'Do not!' "Well I should be going now I have to meet up with my squad." With that I said goodbye to Mito and then ran out of the office. 'Y/N we need to talk about you losing control of your powers.' I slowly came to a stop. 'Oh... what can I do to stop myself? I hurt a comrade and my father badly.' 'Well you obviously had a bit of control seeing as you didn't hurt that man with the gun- Shinya- yes him and the people that were watching. You could focus on the reason why you didn't hurt Shinya.' 'I guess that could help.' "Oi Y/N!" "Huh?" I looked up to see Yu waving at me. I walked over to him. "Y/N why did you suddenly stop. It looked as if you were thinking about something really hard." "I- I err...." "Listen our goal is not to come back alive but is to come back victorious!" Father shouted allowing me to change the subject. "Um Yu, where are we meeting Narumi's team?" "Hmm? Oh in some building. Just follow Shinoa she knows where it is." I nodded my head. I listened to father's speech and then we had to meet up with Narumi's squad.

Time Skip

Once we had met up we started discussing the plans. "And finally Y/N will take out the rest of the vampires in the area so we aren't ambushed." When we knew what to do everyone went to their stations and waited quietly for Yoichi's signal. Suddenly I saw an explosion in the area of the main target. I then ran from the target and started killing the remaining vampires one by one. "Lucy!" "Hai!" Once again the copies of my w/o/c circled me. I waved my hand towards the vampires and they went speeding towards my targets. Dust was everywhere after they were all gone. I smirked. "Thank you Lucy." "My pleasure Y/N." We both started laughing. I decided to go and check on the others. When I saw a white cloak on the floor I felt ecstatic. "Well done!" They all looked over to me and my squad smiled. "Looks like you did a good job as well. All we have to do now is meet up with the other squads." Shinoa said. We all made our way over to where we were meeting the others. 'Today was a success. I hope the other squads had as much luck as we did.' I looked off into the distance with worry. Suddenly I felt an agonising pain in my chest. I fell to my knees and I couldn't scream. I saw Shinoa look over at me and her eyes widened. "Y/N!" That was all I heard before everything went dark.

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