Girl Meets Real World

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As Lola Clarke walks down to her locker she notices a blonde and a brunette in front of it. When she walks up to them she asks
"Uh, can I get to my locker, please?" while tugging her sleeves to her wrist.
The brunette says "Oh I'm sorry!" while pulling her friend away from the locker. Lola looks at her combination and tries to open her locker.
No beginner's luck for her. She tries two more times and it still won't budge. "Here let me show you a technique I use" the blonde says to Lola. Lola steps aside and watches. The blonde touches it then turns around and steps away for a moment. She turns around goes back hitting at the middle with her elbow. Somehow, it opens.
"How did you do that?!" Lola exclaimed. "It's all math and numbers and stuff that I asked my little genius to do so I could find the spot to hit the locker to make open. You try"
the blonde answers. Lola copies the blonde and gets the same outcome. "Thank you so much!" Lola says to the girls, her grip not loosening from her sleeve. "No problem. Name's Maya Hart and this is my best friend Riley Mathews" Maya says.
"Hi!" Riley says.
"Hi! I'm Lola Clarke"
"Yay a new friend!"
Riley says all smiley but her eyes didn't match her expression. The others did not notice this while the period 5 bell rang.
"What class do you have?"
Riley asks Lola.
"Um, American History with Mr.Mathews"
Lola reads off of her schedule.
"Wait, we have that too" Maya states.
"Yeah how come we never saw you?" Riley asks.
"I was in a full body cast all summer and wasn't allowed to come to school until it came off but here I am now"
she says trying to come up with an answer to their next question she knows they'll ask.
"How did you end up in a full body cast?" both girls ask.
"I fell down three flights of stairs. I live in an apartment." Lola explains leaving the most huge detail out.
"Oh wow! Well at least you survived" Maya states. Not really Lola thought.
As they walk to their class, they tell Lola about Riley's father being the teacher and principle of course.
"Wait how many years?" Lola asks them.
"Since 7th grade until I don't know when" Riley says. "My boyfriend Lucas, our best friend Farkle, and our comedy people Zay and Isadora will also be in our class so you'll have 6 friends on your first day!" Maya says. At Farkle Riley became thoughtful which Lola did notice. "Are the single boys cute and single?" Lola jokes. "Farkle is dating Isadora. They're two geniuses together. A perfect duo" Riley says with a forced smile. Lola notices the little bitterness and fake smile. Maya pretended she did not but she knows her best friend better than anyone. "But Zay is so he's all yours" Maya jokes. Maya starts talking about the whole love triangle situation that went on the previous year, when Jake comes and pecks Riley on the cheek. "Sup'" he says. "Stuff" Riley shrugs, trying to act cool. "And this is Jake. Riley's rebound" Maya says to a confused Lola. Lola seems shocked that Riley is with a rebound, especially one who seems really cocky. "And who might you be?" Jake asks then tries to kiss Lola's hand but she quickly takes it back then slaps him. "Not Riley" she says confidently then walks into class. Maya laughs so hard. Jake seems annoyed, especially by Maya's laughing. The bell rings and Jake departs. Riley introduces Lola to everyone. Class begins. On the board it says the real world.
"The Revolutionary War! Maya?"
Mr. Mathews picks on Maya.
"A revolution!" she says confidently. "Of?" Mr. Mathews trues again. "Wars?" Maya said waringly. Mr. Mathews rolls his eyes and says "Lucas"
"The Revolutionary War was when the country fought for its independence from Britain" Lucas replies.
"What happened afterwards? Riley?" Mr.Mathews calls on his beloved daughter. "A rainbow appeared!" she said excitedly. "No! The country was confused. Who would be king? How will we pay the damages? How will we manage in this world? They were cut off from everything they knew and loved. They had to deal with the world without help from anyone else. Your assignment is to find something real without any outside help"
Bell rings.
Riley and Maya invite Lola to Topanga's to do the assignment with the other four. They all sit. "Do computers count-?" Farkle was going to ask but Maya cut him off by saying "No! For the hundredth time!"
A minute later
"Do books cou-?" Isadora was about to ask but stopped when seeing Zay flirt with Lola. "Hey! Lovebirds! We're trying to figure out the assignment!" Isadora says after slamming two parts of a book together in their faces.
"Yes ma'am" Zay says.
"Maybe by real my dad means personal?" Riley suggests.
"Hey that's an amazing idea!"
Farkle praises. Riley smiles.
"Okay everyone write down the most deep personal real secret that they have anonymously  and then we'll put it in this envelope" Riley says holding an envelope out. Lola suddenly stands up and says "Oh my mom wants me to come home early! I hope you guys find something" then leaves. The others are confused. "She seemed pretty eager to leave after we mentioned the envelope" Maya suspiciously said.
"Do you think we should follow her?" Isadora asked.
"No! Come on, guys. Isn't it possible that her mom did want her to come home early?" Riley said. Farkle turns her head to the clock. 4:20 p.m.
"Yeah okay" Riley says defeated. Only Riley and Maya go and follow her. The rest are gonna look for background information on her. Riley and Maya are a full 2 blocks from her. But Maya could tell which way to go. They arrive at an old abandoned house. Lola has disappeared.
"Oh no we lost her!" Riley said as Maya says "Riles, I think we found her"
"Where? All can see is this old, abandoned house"
"I think she lives here" Maya says. Riley has a confused look on her. Maya goes and knocks on the door. No one answers. Maya goes to the back and Riley follows. She tries the back door and it opens. They go in. There are lit candles everywhere. They go farther in and see Lola reading a book. "Lola" Maya says. Lola immediately pulls out a gun and Riley screams.
"Oh I'm so sorry! I thought you were a criminal or something"
Lola says then puts the gun away. Riley and Maya walk closer to her. Lola sighs and asks "How did you guys find me?"
"Followed. And instincts" Maya says. "Before you ask any questions. Do you guys want juice?" Lola asks. Riley nods and Maya says "Only if you answer the questions afterwards"
Lola nods and gives them Caprison Fruit Juice and they sit at the table.
"I live here alone. I found this place while on the run from my dad. He ab- he abused me and I finally had it when he pushed me down the flights of stairs. He put me in a hospital bed and he told them that I fell. After I got better, I ran away with some money I stole from him. Found this sweet joint and have been working every job I can find. Which isn't easy when your 14. When I realized school began for people I decided to wait a couple weeks then go in with my body cast story" Lola explains then breaks down crying. Riley and Maya hug her. When she calmed down, she showed them her arms. "Been cutting since my mom died. Ever since she died my dad would get drunk and r-r-ra-rape me and the day after he would always hit me. It was going on for 2 years. At school my friends always wondered why I was absent all the time and I couldn't tell them the truth. But now I finally told someone. Two people I haven't even known for 24 hours" Lola says, brushing a strand of brown hair behind her ear. Riley was stone silent. She didn't know these things could happen. She never even heard such things from books or tv. She thought everyone had a parent who loved them and that she was lucky she had both. But no. There are horrible people who hit and rape their children. "I'm so sorry" Maya said to her.
"You weren't the one who did it to me"
"No. I'm sorry that we couldn't help you before. But now if you think we're gonna sit back and let you live here, you really don't know us" Maya says taking Riley's hand. Lola got wide eyed. "No! You can't tell anyone! Not the others, not your parents and especially not to the police! No one else must know! Promise me!" Lola begged.
"Lola-" Maya began but got cut off. "PROMISE ME" Lola begged louder. Maya looks at Riley and Riley doesn't know what to do. "I promise for the adults but we have to tell our friends" Maya says. Lola says "Fine. As long as they make the same promise".
At the Bay Window Zay, Lucas, Farkle and Isadora are all over the room. Isadora and Farkle are sitting together with one computer and Zay and Lucas are looking through official papers. "There's no sign of a Lola Clarke in our school" Lucas says. "Its like she doesn't even exist" Zay says. On the computer a ping comes and Isadora says
"Apparently she's in the school in a program for the homeless. Its a secret program that helps kids in need"
"And she also worked eight 2 hour jobs a day until she got to our school. Now she works 7pm to 2:30 a.m. every night. Guys, she's basically killing herself to make money" Farkle says. Riley and Maya come in through the Bay Window.
"We found our something real" Riley says with tears in her eyes.
"What happened?" Lucas asks.
After a long, descriptive explanation from the girls, Zay tells them the information they gathered.
"This is not going to work out. We have to tell someone!" Farkle says.
Maya shakes her head and says
"She told us to keep it a secret. She only let us tell you guys if you keep it too"
"Then what do we do?" Zay says.
"How are we supposed to help her?" Isadora asks. "We...can't" Riley said with a nonchalant look on her face.
The next day, Lola doesn't show up at school. "Where is she?" Maya asks, waiting at her locker.
"Probably getting a good sleep for once" Zay said. Jake comes and tries to kiss Riley but she gently stops him. "What's up babe?" he asks. She shrugs. She hasn't spoken a word since the bay window. "Where's the feisty little girl?" Jake asks the group.
"Not here. Can you be that too?"
Farkle asks. "Farkle!" Isadora says. "What'd I say?" Farkle asks her. She rolls her eyes, smile then puts her arm around his waist. He puts his arm around her shoulders, not smiling. Neither is Riley. A moment passes.
"Well this isn't awkward at all"
Lucas says. The bell rings. They go to class. Riley looks at the empty seat beside her.
"Did you guys find your something real?" Mr. Mathews asks.
"Yeah" Maya answered.
"Was it mind blowing?"
"Yes" Riley says, the first time that day.
"That's how its gonna be from now on. You guys have only dealt with little stuff. And you always had a positive outcome. That's not real. The real world has many problems. From homeless children to sick elders. From robberies to terrorist attacks. You only had to deal with a stupid triangle and forgiveness. While these were big milestones, there are things much bigger than you. And you will always lose something for the right thing to happen. Whether it be your childhood or your respect or even friendship. But all I know is that with every negative give, there will always be a positive gain. Another secret of life. Your actions have consequences. Whether it be good or bad is up to you" Mr. Mathews says. The gang looks at each other.
At Lola's house. Knock knock. Lola opens the backdoor with a black eye, swollen bottom lip, cut top lip, bruoses everywhere and her clutching her stomach. "What happened?!" Maya asked as the group came in.
"My dad found me at work and started beating me up. I have to get out of here! Can you guys help me pack?" Lola says going back to a suitcase. "Running away again isn't going to do anything, Lola" Riley says. Lola sighs.
"It's the only thing I can do" Lola says. She starts putting clothes in the suitcase. Knock knock. Lola looks confused then goes to the door with her gun in her hand. She opens the door and an angry man was there and she slammed the door in his face, quickly locked every single lock and held the door as strong as she could.
"Guys help! It's him!" Lola screams. Everyone holds against the door. After 20 minutes of holding the door is still. They wait ten minutes and then check the door and he appears to be gone. "AGGGGHHHH" Riley screams when someone puts a knife to her throat. The man outs his gloved hand around her mouth. "Lola. Come with me and your friend won't get hurt" The man tells Lola. She reluctantly went and he threw Riley in Farkle's arms as soon as he had a hold on Lola. He positions the gun at Lola's stomach and then said
"If any of you move, this bitch will get a bullet to the stomach" with a crazy glint in his eye.
Nobody moves until he's out of the house. Zay takes a picture of the car's driver license, Isadora memorizes the details and Maya quickly draws while Smackle describes the car, in her sketch book. While that goes on, Lucas calls the cops then everyone's parents. Farkle is hugging Riley hard and she is sobbing and sobbing. Farkle is silently repeating in her ear that she's okay.
The police go and retrieve Lola which is much easier due to Isadora and Maya's quick thinking and Zay's picture. Lola is safe but is saying that the man barely knew her and her parents are waiting for her at home so she goes to the house where the whole group is waiting. "I told them he's a stranger that abducted me and hurt me. God when will this man be out of my life!" Lola says with her hand rubbing her face. "When you tell social services" Riley says, standing up straight.
"That's not an option" Lola says, dry laughing. "What do you have here? An abandoned house with no electricity or running water? A billion jobs and no sleep? Or how about the fact that that man can track you down wherever you go? This man needs to be put behind bars and you need a better life. No 14 year old should be working as hard as you do! No 14 year old should be cutting because of someone who was supposed to provide for her! Lola! I'm begging you! Tell social services. If anything, do it for me. Please" Riley says. Lola starts to cry and Riley hugs her. They stay like that a full hour. Lola finally stops crying and says
"I'll go if you guys help me"
And they do. Riley's parents take them all to the police station and they all give their statement on the house incident but Lola describes everything. They all wait for her to come out which doesn't happen for 3 hours. When she does she goes straight to Riley and hugs her and cries. Riley soothes her. "They're putting me in a foster home!" she says in between sobs. "Oh honey" Riley says silently. "They're putting him on trial though" Lola says and then looks at Riley. "Thank you so much for helping me! Even though I put you in such a horrible position" Lola thanks Riley. Eiley shakes her head and smile "Thank you. For letting me see the world for how it really looks" she says. Lola says goodbye to each of the 6 friends and then they take her into a car that will take her to her new home. Riley and Maya are alone in the Bay Window. "I always thought the world was simple. Gives me problems and I fix them. But this was something different. I almost died, trying to fix this one. But in the end, I only helped Lola figure out how to fix it herself" Riley said. Maya just goes hugs Riley.
"I could have lost you today Riley!" she says quietly.
"But you didn't! We still have each other after this tremendous real life experience. I think that's all that matters" Riley says. After a few minutes of them in each other's arms Riley says "Farkle comforted me so much in the house. He hugged me, told me I was okay, held my hand when waiting for Lola. I love him so much"
"I think you have to figure out how sweetie" Maya said.
"I think you're probably right peaches" Riley says then falls asleep on Maya.
Outside Farkle watches them. He was so scared when Riley screamed. The instant he saw the knife at throat he became weak. He thought he was gonna faint. When he caught her when the man threw her he felt whole again. He wonders if it would have been the same with Isadora.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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