Chapter 12

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hey guys I know yall are mad at me for not updating... but some books I read I get caught up in them... but I need to start putting mine first 😀... which means I will try more updates. 🤗 But do you like the book.
Baya p.o.v

Im so fed up with Odell and his bullshit. I love him so much and for so long and now that I have him I don't want to lose him.

I didn't know I dozed off until someone was snapping in my face. I looked at the rolled down window and seen Odell standing in the window looking at me.

"Baya are you ok. You can't be doing that to people or they gone start pressin' charges on yo' ass," he kissed my hand . I snatched my hand away " I just want you to know that I love you baby." he said with a sad face.

"I love you to dell." I mumbled not looking up at him. He kissed me on my head then trailed it down to my lips making me giggle and he walked to his car.

"I'll see you when we get home," he yelled going to his car.

At home

As I walked in the house I didn't hear or see Odell, so I just decided to go to the room. On my way in there somebody picked me up bridal style and my first instinct is to of course fight back. Nobody about to take away my precious life.

"Aye girl chill out wit' dat shit. Always tryna fight somebody." It was Odell and he put me down walking to the bed holding his face.

"I'm sorry babe did I hurt you." Me being the tease I am walked over and straddled him trying to kiss him.

"Yeah. But if you let me put in work then I'll forgive you." He smirked. I chuckled and licked my lips seductively leaning in pecking his lips.

"But I just hurt my baby once, I don't want to hurt him again." I said while kissing on his jawline.

"Stop playin' girl." He let his accent out . Total turn on then I smashed my lips into his. You know what happened after that.

9 hours later

"Another round." Odell asked looking at me. I sighed and looked him with a straight face.

"I'm tired Odell we been going for what feels like a lifetime already I'm tired. I'm going to sleep." Me being a very hygienic person not going to take a shower is a first. I'll take one in the morning.

Middle of night

"Aaahhhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed making Odell jump up and fall out the bed causing me to giggle a little but that was taken back by a serious look.

"Girl what's wrong wit'chu screaming at 3 in da morning. He said letting his accent loose. I just stared at him with a worried look.

"Odell did you wear a condom, because we did cum a lot last night." I said curious but sounded frightened. He looked like he was trying to remember and then his eyes got big but then a smile appeared.

 He looked like he was trying to remember and then his eyes got big but then a smile appeared

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"Babe I swear if you're pregnant we're naming the boy.. Ummm.. how about Johntavious Beckham. And for a girl Jadae Beckham. They gon' have some fine ass parents." He said happily jumping on the bed. All I could do was laugh at his excitement it was cute. I guess it won't be bad to have a kid with him.

"why those names Odell. Why not Bambi or Octavia, or sundae." I said looking at him.

" lets not worry about that right now ok. when the time comes, we will think about that." he said kissing my forehead.

"Ok well let's go back to sleep. We'll find out eventually." I kissed him and he laid down wrapping me in his arms. He is so warm, his heart beat, and his breathing pattern keeps me calm.

"Love you Odell, hope we grow old together, as happy as we can be." I mumbled under my breath. I guess he heard me because he replied.

"I hope we do too baby girl." He kissed my head and went to sleep.

Alright you guys this is all I could come up with today. This is the schedule of when I will try and update every 4 or 5 days. just depends.

I missed this story so much and I've been thinking about updating and never got to it. 😞😒. But I mean now I'm going to try and concentrate more since I made a schedule for you guys. But anyway I'm finally part of #teamiPhone 🤗😆

p.s i wont update tomorrow 😐😊

Comment~for sure so I can know your opinions

Love~ me 💋🌹

Word Count: 793

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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