She cried

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It was a long day, Mary had just got back from work and was sweating like crazy. Mary  always loved to see animals out in the wild, and one year she went to Africa to see the Elephants and other amazing animals be free and roam around.

As she was walking home that very same day she remembered that her friend told her about this 'amazing' zoo was opening up the next day and it was only 5 minutes away from her house. So as she was organizing her clothes for tomorrow she had this feeling inside of her, she was eager, to see these animals in the zoo.

Mary called her clients for tomorrow and told them a white lie and told them she couldn't come tomorrow because her daughter had a play that she really wanted to see, which wasn't even half true because she didn't even have a daughter, actually she didn't even have a husband, she just had  3 dogs and a parrot that flew around the house. 

After she packed her binoculars and her sunhat and sunscreen she set off! She decided to jog to the zoo because running was one of her passions, and she was quite good at it  too. When she got there she realized she hadn't even broken a sweat!

As she walked through the gates she was excited, she had heard many good things about this zoo and how it was big and served the animals right, but when she got their, she was devastated!

She saw 5 monkeys in a cage only big enough to hold three humans, they were pressed against the cage and screaming! She saw the zoo workers feeding the monkeys fish, FISH!!!!! Where did these people come from,  where did they get there education from.

She stood there, feeling dead inside, and she cried and cried and cried.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2016 ⏰

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