Just the beginning

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"Waa," a static filled cry burst out of the baby monitor from Melissa's room. April half woke up and said, "Jackson, honey, it's your turn for Melissa," she slightly turned over expecting to feel the warm essence of her husband there but to find the bed empty, she remembered.

A tear ran down April's cheek and she got up to help Melissa, her 1 year old little girl, with what her problem was. "Hey baby," April said as she walked into her daughters room. Mellisa's eyes lite up as she saw her mother walk into the room. April picked up her little ball of sunshine and brought her into the kitchen of the Avery house.

She got some breakfast going. "What some pancakes my baby girl?" Mellisa smiled big April taking that as a yes started making pancakes in the kitchen wanting her prince charming here right now. April snuck a shower in when Mellisa was eating. Her baby was very well behaved for a one year old, April got dressed and got ready to go to the hospital to start her shift.

When April got to the hospital she dropped Melissa off at the daycare and went to the attendings lounge to get ready for her long day ahead of her. When she got to the lounge Richard and Miranda were already in there. "April, you have the week off, the hospital decided that after what happend you needed a break." Webber said when April walled in.

Miranda walked up to her and put her hand on April shoulder and said, "you need a break, you've been so busy being a 'single' mom."

April started to tear up, "I can't do this alone." She decided to take a few days off. She took the elevator and walked to Neuro, she walked down the long hall and walked into a big room with one man on the bed, Jackson.

Don't forget to remember. (a Japril fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang