Story Time: Universal Studios

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So you guys are probably wondering:

"Kara, why haven't you updated at all today."


I was at Universal Studios today.

On a Thursday.

I skipped school.

Okay well technically it was a school trip for my Drama Club but shhhh pretend I'm rebellious.

So today was




It all started when we arrived at the park. It was about 8:30 am. The first thing we were doing was going to a special behind the scenes look at the special effects show.

While we were there we met our first friends.

(Side note; my friends and I do this thing on every trip where we like meet people who work at the place and we become "friends." Idk we're weird don't judge us.)

These friends were Eric, Bill, Kevin, Ruben, Sheldon, Cole, and Mike.

First we met Best Friend Sheldon.

(Another side note: These people are either best friends, friends, or bad friends. They're ranked based on how much they interacted with us and how like weird they are I guess idek it's a complicated system.)

Sheldon was a professional special effects guy. He let us do Foley (look it up), he was super funny and cool, and was generally just Gr8 M8.

Then we met Ruben. Ruben was the sound guy and was really just super chill. He also had like a really soothing voice. Friend Ruben was a good friend.

Finally we met Bill. Bill was like the head guy there, and he was honestly like a grandfather to us. Best Friend Bill gave great life advice and told us how to follow our dreams to become what we want to be.

After the tour of the set, we got to watch the show's rehearsal. At the rehearsal, we met Eric, Mike, Cole, and Kevin.

We met Eric first.

Now, let me tell you, Eric is a Best Best Friend. He's like the #1 friend we made today.

So first Eric walked into the theater, got on the stage, and he saw all of us. He was like "hey guys! I'm Eric!" And we were like "Heeeeyyyyy Eric." So then Eric got strapped into the wire thingies and he was like "this is how I get to start my mornings every day."


Then Eric was like "I told my guidance counselor that I would fly one day."

He did some cool flips and tricks and stuff it was amazing.

After that he came over to us and was just like talking and hanging out. He gave some high fives but I was sitting too far away from so I got an air five. Then Eric had to go leave to rehearse so Eric left us.

Then we get to the stunt guys, Mike, Cole, and Kevin.

Let's start with Kevin.

Friend Kevin looks a lot like Jon Cozart, first of all.

Secondly he was set on fire.

He's fine, don't worry.

Also he didn't really talk to us much so he's just a Friend.

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