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My feelings while making her card. God!

First of all, it took a long time to decide that how to make her card memorable and cute. you all know that her card included pictures and writings related to Haz. It means that i surfed over plenty of pictures of Harry!!

To be able to find the best picture to paste in her card, I saw so many pictures of him and you know what he really is cute and now there is no denying in saying that. I was like giving total attention to every pic that I saw because I had to find the best in all

It was a hard time choosing one picture among the thousands as he looked equally cute in every single one of them. Yeah as cute as a button. ha. After trying so hard I came to an end with a simple picture of him which was cute anyway, but still it was hard time. aha

I can't disagree now that why most of the girls including my friends loved him, coz yah he was so cute. Now I wonder that why I didn't liked him!? I never knew the real reason. But I wasn't expecting any fangirling thing from me for him. And I didn't. Now I didn't disliked him as much as I did before but there was also nothing much that I had started adoring him or maybe I had? What!?

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