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"Taylor , Where You Going?" shy sked me not paying me the least bit attention "I Wannna Go Check On Kaay Haven't Seen Her In 4 Days Gotta See My Baby" i said fixing my clothes i got in the car and drove in the drive way i noticed the door was unlocked "What The Fuck" i walked in the house and seen glass shattered and blood splattered I admittedly Started yelling Kaay's Name no response i walked up stairs to kaay's room i saw her strolled out on the floor bleeding bad as hell then i say her wrist was cut and the glass she did it with "WHAT THE FUCK , NO BABY , NO BABY" I yelled with tears coming from my eyes i really loved kaay she was my bestfriend the only thing i had in life other than shereen if i lose her i would lose my self i grabbed my phone and dialed 911

"911 What's Your Emergency?" the lady from the dispatch said

"My Bestfriend Cut Her Wrist And She Won't Stop Bleeding And She's A Diabetic"

"Okay What Address Ma'am?"

"214 Western Blvd , Please Hurry !" I Hung up grabbed 3 towels and put pressure on her cut while i was doing that this piece of paper flew my way now noo wind was blowing so i knew that was a sign for me to open it i did It Read "Wanna Know My Secret ? I Don't Wanna Be Here Anymore ~ Bye Jas" my blood was raging with anger kaay tried to kill her self over jasmine oh hell no,...... the ambulance came and drove kaay to the hospital i drove back to my house
to change my bloody clothes when i saw jas car parked outside and i got heated i was pissed the fuck off my bestfriend tried to kill herself over this bitch oh nawl shit ain't boutta go down i barged into the house i slammed the door by the time i got in the living room all eyes were on me "Yo Why You Slam The Door Taylor .. Wait Why Is There Blood On Your Shirt?" Shy said getting worried

"Why Don't You Ask Ya Best-Fuckin-Friend Ovaa Here" i Semi Yelled looking at jasmine her eyebrow raised "Who Me ?" she asked pointing to herself "HELL Yeah , KAAY TRIED TO KILL HERSELF OVER YOUR BITCH ASS" I yelled getting in her face "Fuck is you talm bout , kaay tried to kill herself!" she said standing up i pushed her back down "KAAY IS ON HER WAY TO THE HOSPITAL ,THEY CAME TO GET HER SHE LOST SO MUCH BLOOD SHE CUT HER WRIST OVER YOU . HERE'S THE FUCKING NOTE SHE LEFT FOR YA PUSSY ASS" I said throwing the paper i had read earlier she picked it up and i saw the tears form in her eyes i honestly didn't give a fuck about her crying it was her fault "MANN , FUCK!" jas yelled and punched the wall outta frustration she grabbed her coat like she was getting ready to go "No Fucking Need She Can't Have Visitor's Until Tomorrow" I said running my hands through my hair roughly

Shy looked at me and grabbed me i bursted out in tears "SHE IS MY BESTFRIEND , SHY I CAN'T LOOSE HER " i said sobbing in her black hoodie jas came behind me and patted my back "FUCK OFF ME , YOU NOT EVEN SHOWING EMOTION YOUR THE REASON MY BESTFRIEND, MY HEART IS FIGHTING FOR HER LIFE SO DON'T TOUCH ME !" I walked To my room and slammed the door .


I was hurt that kaay tried to kill her self on my behalf i didn't mean to hurt her ever taylor was crying like hell i was crying in the inside but the outside i couldn't i didn't ever wanna lose kaay but when she told me she slept with bianca i couldn't find my self to cry i know it sounds bad to say but it's true . I don't want anything to happen to kaay thats my everything but i just couldn't cry "Jas you gone be go be good mann ?" shy said rubbing my back "Yeah imma be good bro go check on yo sister thouu , im finna go home gotta get my head right" With that i walked out the house got in my car and for some reason the tears rushed down my face !

Kaay Right Before Everything Happened (IN THE MEDIA)

What Is Love ? (Jasmine Centina&Aaleeyah Petty)Where stories live. Discover now