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Roger P.O.V

A/N: Yes, I know that they aren't the same age, but let me live okay?. They're about 15-17 years old here. But whatever, you can pretty much choose how mature you think they are, and base their age upon that. No hate on people with the name Sophie, I just thought the name was pretty. There is exatcly fucking 3000 words in this, be proud!

Every day, I have to watch Brian with someone else. With her, her name is Sophie.. She's not good enough for Brian, but neither am I though. She has long blonde hair, and big sky blue eyes, perfect grades too, the perfect girl really. She is a huge animal lover too, like Brian. They're perfect for each other, or that's what other people say. They walk to school together, usually me and Brian would walk together. We rarely talk together anymore. She has completely taken him away from me. It hurts, It really does. There's nothing I can do to stop it. Brian seems so happy too, the way he smiles when he sees her, it breaks my heart. I need to spend some time with him, god I'm pathetic. I'll ask him, maybe we could go listen to some music, like the good old days, the days were good without her. We do have classes together, I just have to grab my balls and go over and talk to him, no big problem.

"Hey, Brian... It's a long time since we have done anything together, would you like to maybe.. Erhm do something today?" I bit my nails, and a big chunk came of, bad habit I know, but it soothes my anxiety.

"Yeah, that'd be nice." His cheeks dimpled, making my knees weak.

"Cool, see you later then" I was so happy, I couldn't stop a big smile from forming on my face, me and Brian could finally spend some good quality time together.

The day went by so slow. The classes were sh*t, so boring. I checked the clock every minute hoping for an hour to have passed, tapping my feet and fingers on the table resulting the teacher to tell me I was "Interrupting his very important lectures". I couldn't get my thoughts off Brian, he is just so goddamn perfect. With his dark curly hair, hazel eyes and a smile that lights his whole face up, and he's a talented artist too, playing his guitar.

The the bell finally rang, making me jump of my chair in excitement. A whole day with my amazing Brian. I packed my stuff quickly shoving everything messely in my bag, looking over at Brian who carefully packed his books about the stars and galaxies he had secretly been reading in math, while humming a little melody.

"Come let's go" He said smiling making his whole face light up.

"Yeah, I could use some talking" I giggled like a schoolgirl.

We walked to the music shop, we really enjoyed listening to music together, that's what we used to do. Before "her". The man stealing girl, that perfect. girl.

I sat, enjoying the music, looking out on the street. I starting thinking, like I normally do when I listen to music. About Brian of course, and why it had to be so difficult, you know love. It isn't even legal to be gay in this country, especially in our age. So I guess I have to wait a long time before even thinking of coming out. Brian isn't gay either, he has a girlfriend, he wouldn't go and get a girlfriend if he didn't like them, that way. I sat with my thoughts, which were slowly making me mad.

"What are you thinking about Rog?" His voice swept my mind clean of thoughts. He looked really concerned.

"Oh it's nothing..." I thought in a moment about coming out, but hell no, I can't now, What if he's a homophobe?.

"You can tell me anything, you know that?"

He placed his hand next to me, kindly inviting me to take it, I just placed my hand next to it, feeling the heat from his hand, slowly flowing through my body, making my cheeks red and so the top of my ears.
I wanted to take it so bad, but he had a girlfriend, but then again, why would he offer me to take it? Then he completely out of a sudden, took my hand. I felt the enormous heat taking over my body again, but this time making my whole face red.

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