" Hawaii "

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( YN )

when we got off the plane it was beautiful ! when I looked out the window all I saw was palm trees, cute birds flying, I saw the beach from a far distance with the beautiful blue clear water. Crystal ran to the window and looked out there with me with an amazed look on her face

You- well fuck me

Kyla- (walks to the window) oh my god (screams)

Prehia- (runs to the window) I'm so ready to get in my bathing suit

Crystal- mom can we go swimming now

You- yeah we gotta get our luggage

Michelle- (walks over) oh I got that covered. BOYS

You- (turns around)

I saw the boys carrying all our bags! ha! It was funny I even saw Andrew carrying a bag , us girls have a lot of bags so it was hilarious to see them struggle !

Ray- (picks up your bag)

Roc- I got it bro

Ray- nah I'm cool. I'm pretty sure she wanted me to carry her bag

Roc- why you think that

Ray- well.. she's mad at you so You wouldn't want her to get more mad

Roc- whatever (walks away)

You- there's a car out front guys

when we all got in the van I felt roc looking at me because he was sitting right across from me. I ignored him and stares out the window the whole time , Hawaii was sex man it was so beautiful ! I just imagined what the hotel was gonna look like .

Day day- you saw that girl !

Prehia- stop always worrying about girls

Day day- (rolls his eyes)

Prod- I wonder what the music is like here

You- word don't make me get ghetto in this bitch

Prince- oh we all know you will

You- (laughs)

when we arrived at the hotel it was o m g. when the doors opened we smelt like mangos , it was really fancy and it had atleast 20 floors as we can see from outside. as soon as we walked in the hotel bellman took our bags and told us the desk to get our room was to the left. i ran to the desk and rang the bell, everybody laughed at how happy I was but guess what. I don't give a fuck

Lady- hello welcome to the tropical hotel

You- it's beautiful

Lady- yes (giggles) how may I help you

You- well I .. oh I guess we were suppose to be coming down here for vacation. there's 10 of us and threee kids

Lady- ohhh came to relax and have fun huh

You- yes ma'am (smiles)

Lady- you picked the best place to be. now who are you under (opens her laptop)

You- millsap

Lady- (starts typing)hmmm ... yes Walter millsap

You- yess

Lady- okay. we have 3 rooms for you (hands you three room cards) if you have any problems or concerns call 2122 on the phone and that's to this phone and oh my name is Yolanda

You- okay (takes the cards) thank you

Yolanda- your welcome. enjoy your vacation

You- (walks back to everybody)

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