8 ; Queen Drama Queen

587 19 9

Lily's POV

I walk to Jack's bathroom and turn the water on, waiting for it to get warm. I put my fingers under the faucet and grab a cloth. I put the cloth under the water and wipe my face.

"You better go get ready." Jack says from behind me. My eyes flutter closed as he kisses my neck and talks in his morning voice. Husky, raspy, and low. Mm.

"For what?" I say breaking away, "Magcon, silly." Oh shit. Magcon, Philadelphia, I totally forgot about it, "Yeah, I'll see you in a little bit." I say quickly exiting. I walk upstairs and I hear Cam in his room.

"Morning." I turn around and Lauren's in booty shorts and a Calvin Klein bra. "Hi." I say trying not to cause drama. She brushes past me and knocks on Cam's door. He opens it and Lauren enters quickly closing the door.


I walk to my room and chuckle at Matt playing on the PS4 this early in the morning. Jaymee's up too, telling Matt to ᔕᕼOOT the bad guys. "Someone's up late." Matt says smiling at me.

I walk into our room and open the closest. What do I need to wear? Nah. No. Definitely not. Ew. Why do I even have this shirt? I finally just grab a Power Puff shirt and leggings.

I grab my shoes and tie them up sighing at my dirty free runs. I need some new shoes. Seriously.

I tie my hair up in a ponytail and put in my contacts.


I'm hungry. Like really hungry.

"I'm gonna go eat breakfast." I say patting Jaymee's head, "We'll be down after this game." Matt says. I shrug and walk down the steps stopping at Cam's door, should I knock?


I'm gonna knock.

I knock quickly and sigh, rocking back on my heels. Cam answers the door and smiles at me, "We still good for burgers today?" He asks. I almost forgot. Almost. "Yeah sure."

Lauren comes out behind him, "Oh it's just you. I'm leaving Cam, see ya later." She kisses his cheek and rolls her eyes at me.

Oh, what a bitch.

I smile at her, "Lemme walk you out." I say putting my hand on the small of her back. She looks confused for a sec then covers it up, "O-ok."

I wave at Cam and walk her out, "You need to stop being a fake bitch, you a slutty hoe that needs to know her place. " I kick the part behind her knee and she falls.

(If you hit someone there, trust me they will fall.)

"Oh my god y-" I slam the door in face and smile to myself, "Thanks for walking her out. She was kind of getting on my nerves." Cam sighs falling on the couch. I smile and grab a banana , "Same."


"Who's excited for Magcon!?" Matt screams, the crowd erupts and Jaymee's covers her ears, "It's ok." Hayes says taking her hands off. He picks Jaymee up, "I'll be back before its my turn." He says exiting with a crying baby.

I sigh and sit on the couch with Cam, he looks at me and gives me a weird smile, "I don't think you should be talking to her." I look up and Johnson's got his arms crossed and Jack is pulling me up.

"I just smiled at her." Cam says getting up, "Hey, who knows what you might do to her again." Gilinsky snaps, "Are we really going to bring that up now?" He says sighing. Johnson snarls and walks off.


Cam walks the opposite direction of Johnson and he leaves me there with Jack, "What was that for!?" I say pushing him back. "I'm trying to protect you, we don't know what he's capable of, so until we know, stay away from him when I'm not around you."


"I'm trying to protect you, why don't you see that!" He say scrunching his face up, "I know what I'm doing ok?" My mouth was bigger than Grand Canyon, I couldn't believe he was being so selfish.

"C'mon Lily, I'm trying to help you, he's dangerous, you need to listen to whatever I say, whenever I say it, ok?"

"I don't need your prote-"

"Why WONT YOU LISTEN!" He yells. Everyone turns around and stares at us, Nash gives me a what's going on look' and I just grab Jack's hand, leading him outside.

When the door closes he erupts, "I'M TRYING TO HELP YOU, YOU WON'T EVEN LISTEN!" he screams, "YOU NEED MY PROTECTION FROM HIM! END OF STORY! Kay?" He says lowering his voice again.

I stare at him blankly, how could he change so fast?

"Good." He brushes past me and walks in, not bothering to hold the door open. I claw at my hair for being so stupid, no way anyone like him would be that nice.


I walk in a everyone stares at me, "What's up?"

The rest of Magcon goes by in a flash, Jack and Jack do a collab with Shawn and it was so fucking amazing.

Hayes and Nash tried to find someone in the crowd that had lighter eyes than them, going through the crowd and having a great time.

I didn't do anything special I just taught some people how to do backflips, nothing special.

Matt got a Dino army and it was hilarious.

"Thank you Philly!" Matt yells.

The crowd erupts and we exit off the stage. The guards push through the crowd to help us get out, all of the people are clawing at us, trying to get a picture.

When we get outside, they lead us to the bus and we quickly get in.

"Hey." Ugh, the bitch, "Who let you in?" Cam and I ask at the same time.

"I'm Lauren, that's what I do." We all shake our heads and go off. The three of us stay in the room, "So I was hoping I could tag along, get burgers with y'all." She says smiling. "Nah, just me and Lily,maybe next time though." Cam says.

I smirk at her and she rolls her eyes, "I'm going to walk there, you coming Lily?" I shake my head, "I'm gonna throw something else on, I'll meet you there." He shrugs and exits the bus.

"You're such a slut." Lauren says snarling and getting up, "Me?" I say leaving my mouth open, " Yes! You have a boyfriend, stop messing with Cameron, he doesn't like you."

"Stop talking to me."

I walk upstairs to the room and see Matt, Hayes, Nash, Shawn and Aaron chasing Jaymee. Aaron trips over the couch, Shawn runs into Aaron and yells. Hayes has Nash on his back, and drops him from the scream, and Matt jumps on all of them.

"Wow a five year old took all of you out." I say chuckling. All of their heads snap over to me, "They all fell mommy." Jaymee says falling down laughing. I shake my head and go into my room, Matt following, "I need you to watch Jaymee for me."

"For how long?"

"One or two hours?" I say pulling my converse out. "Where are you going?" Matt asks. I grab my 'Ramones' *cough* shirt I stole from Nash *cough* and throw it on the bed, "Hanging out with an old friend in town." I lie.

Matt smiles, "No problem."

Part of me feels bad, but no one needs to know that I'm hanging out with my rapist.

I smile back at him and grab my clothes, "I'll be back guys." I say waving. They all wave back at me and I leave. I go downstairs with my clothes, "Oh my god thank goodness, I need to use the bathroom, where's the key!?" Lauren asks jumping around.

Part of me wants to leave her there, but I know I should help, "Follow me." I say waving for her to follow. I grab the key from the holder and lead her to the bathroom, I open the door and look behind me, "Thankyou so-"

She pushes me into the bathroom and snatches the key, locking the door quickly. "Lemme out!!" I scream through the door, fuck, the door locks from the outside.

"If I can't go get burgers with Cammy, you can't either."

A/N: this story sucks
ᑭᖇᗩY ᖴOᖇ TᕼIᔕ ᔕTOᖇY. 😂

Raped                                                       -)(Cameron Dallas)(-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora