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A young woman with short, dark brown hair stared at the screen in front of her with her green eyes, eyes that had seen too much for a woman of 23 years. Next to her, the young man who could be called her only friend sat crouched on the floor, frowning at the screen. Almost at the same time, they pressed the button, and spoke:

"Greetings to all of you at the ICPO. I am L"
"I would like to greet you all at Interpol. I am J."


The odd pair stared at each other, trying to evaluate each other's movements. Despite their first meeting being no more than five minutes ago, they appeared to trust each other, and were attempting to discover more about the child in front of each one.
J, as we will refer to her for the duration of this story, was immediately drawn to the young boy rubbing a red patch at his elbow. A burn, and quite a large one too, J guessed it would never fully heal. It would not take a genius to figure out that he was the surviving member of the household burnt down by an arsonist. The household a kilometre from hers.

Meanwhile, L stared at the girl opposite him. She was smart, evidently, and was recently orphaned, most likely with no family left, or none that wanted her, at least. Judging from the lack of tears, and the lack of smiles, she is tough, and will not show her true emotions, guarding them. But against what? It seemed as if he was like her. Never wanting to show weakness, but wanting nothing more than to break down.

"You were wondering how I escaped the fire, am I correct?" At the girl's nod, he continued. He was able to guess she had figured out that much,"I was the first to see the man light it. My family did not believe me. And they died. I...I could've saved them," for what seemed like a split-second, the boy's emotionless mask broke. All do, eventually.
"Me? All of my family collapsed, each within forty seconds of each other. Even in different countries. I am the last person left in my immediate family. The circumstances surrounding that are inexplicable. I believe it to be a heart attack. Nothing to investigate. Well. Nothing that could be investigated." She seemed to be prone to voicing her thoughts, but when it was apparent that she was doing so, her voice was scarcely a mutter. "You said that you saw a man start the fire. He killed your entire family, he will want you dead as well. Pick an alias now." A nine year old girl, seemingly too smart for her age, she had a fairly good understanding of how people's minds worked, but she could not decipher that of the boy barely a few months younger than her. It seemed as if he thought on the same level as her, which confused her, not even her parents were able to do that.

"I know that, and despite your claims of your entire family dying of natural causes, it seems a little fantastical to believe that 7 out of 8 members of a family are able to drop dead at the same time of natural causes. I suggest that you do the same. I shall become L."

"Then I shall be J." She realised something else too. "L is what I will refer to you as, but in public, what will you be? I will become Jamie Andrews. Remember that."

"I will be Lawrence, and in public, I doubt you would need a last name to go by. If questioned, you can just deny all knowledge of it. After all, you do have none."

Before this moment, I, your narrator, appear to have not informed you of their whereabouts during this time. I will now inform you that besides the knowledge that their first meeting occurred in a deserted street in London, you need not know where this happened. Just know that the two prodigal children were seemingly alone, and there was nobody there to help them. Especially not as two calloused, scarred hands gripped J from behind. Especially not as she was knocked unconscious whilst the boy stood there, shocked. As she fell, J signalled for L to run. Whether to the police, or just away, either seemed logical, as it takes no large effort to realise that this was the same man who set fire to L's home, and that he would question, and likely torture the girl for information.

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