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I'm your typical tomboy. Most of the time I wear boys' clothing. Don't judge me. I wear them because of the comfort. They cover me up, keep me warmer and keep creepy guys away. Even though I get teased, it's a small price to pay. Atleast I'm not considered the school's play toy. I hate having the attention on me anyways. This way, I only get teased and bullied some times and not have people hovering over me.

When I get home, the door's unlocked. Mom's home early. I drop my stuff by the door when I close it, then go into the kithen to get something to eat. Lots of people at school say I throw it all up afterwards. What's the word? Starts with an A. Ugh, whatever. Doesn't matter. Anyways, they're wrong. I just have a very fast metabolism. I eat all the time and never gain a pound. And it's a good thing, too, since I eat junk all the time. But oh well.

I grab a bag of chips, slice of left over cake and a can of coca cola. Told ya. I walk into the living room and sit down on our brown couch, and turn on our small tv. I turn it to I Shouldn't Be Alive and start eating. After I'm done with my cake and half my bag of chips, mom decides to interrupt.

I look up at her. Her shoulder length, strait blond hair is sticking all out of her pony tail, showing she had a hard day at work, and her green eyes are full of worry. I honestly think I got my looks from dad. In the pictures we have of him, he has brown hair and brown eyes with a little green in them, just like me. "What's up?" She has that anxious face she always makes when something big is coming.

"Well..we're moving. I got a promotion at work and it requires us going to Florida," she says.

I sit there, shocked. We're moving? I wait for a moment, then it settles in. We're moving! Finally moving! I've been waiting for this day for years! A grin stretches across my face as I shoot up, letting my bag of chips spill all over the couch and floor. "Thank you!" I wrap my arms around her neck and give her a big kiss on the cheek. I let go and start my rant of questions. "When are we moving? How far of a drive is it? Does the school know? Is it by the beach? Oh I've always wanted to live by the beach! Are we taking a plane? Wha-" She cuts me off.

"Hunter! You're going overload again." She waits 'till I calm down, then starts answering my questions. "We're moving in three days. On Saterday. It'll give you a day to get settled in before you start school. We're taking an airplane. Yes, our house is only a mile from the beach and you can go there any time you like, except for after dark." I nod, and let her continue. "But...also...there's something you're not going to like..." I wait in anticipation. I hope it isn't that we're moving into a hut. Oh, I really hope I don't have to take a bus to school.

I stand there for what seems like hours, but could only be a few seconds, until she says, "You're have a uniform for school." I stand there, frozen. I let in seep to my core. My worst nightmare is coming true.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" I shout. "You mean with the ties, and the jackets, and the plaid skirts?! The teeny tiny skirts?!"

She nods. "I'm afraid so."

"No! I'm not going!" I shout. Then I counter with suggestions. "I already make strait A's. Also, don't you only have to go to school until you're sixteen or something? I'm seventeen! I can drop out of school. I'll teach myself things. Look up certain things on the internet and learn them."

She shakes her head. "I'm sorry, but I already enrolled you. You have to go. But to make it easier, I can ask if you can wear shorts under your skirt if it makes you feel comfortable?" she suggests.

I cross my arms and think for a moment. "What about the guys' pants? Can't I wear those?" I finally ask.

"I actually asked that. They laughed. They said a certain amount of money should be paid for you to be allowed to wear them."

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