Part 14

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Taylor's POV
After I got my ass beat my the boss son I was scared as hell to go work, I really wasn't the same person I used to be because the old me would have been found a way to kill him but I'm trying to do the right things.

Plus he knew Brooke so I wasn't getting me ass beat for no reason .. Right now I'm standing on my corner waiting for a crackhead or something to come buy some drugs.

Brooke's POV
Jay had been calling , texting , coming over but I'd act like I didn't see the messages or hear the doorbell ringing.

No I wasn't mad at him anymore I just needed my space it was my fault all of this was happening & I needed to get my shit together.

But before I could really go and talk to my 'bestfriend' or Jeremy or anyone I needed to talk to Taylor .. I needed to forgive him, I was scared of him to say the least but he was my brother .. & he was a big factor into why I acted the way I did. Monday I would put my pride & fear to the side & talk to him.

Jeremy's POV
I had to snap on Brooklyn cause it's like she don't fucking understand that she wrong. but despite all the craziness between us .. I needed her .. shit I loved her, and even though she fucked up I couldn't stay mad at her cause that was my girl.

Rn me & ky were on are way to see Brooke, I'm not sure what it was but Ky loved Brooke .. It was crazy

"Are we almost there!?"

"Almost sweetheart, you excited?"

"Duh!" she said & we laughed

We were 10 mins away from Brooke's house so I called her & told her I was on the way, she seemed surprised when I called but happy

As soon as I hung up the the phone I saw someone in my mirror coming full speed into my car, that's all I remember.

Brooklyn POV
I rushed to the hospital as soon as I found out Jeremy got in a accident when I got the hospital Jeremy was just waking up

"Hey baby, you ok?" I asked him

"Brooke ?"

"Yes it's me, you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine, can you call a doctor in here ?"

I did as he asked.

"I was wondering where my baby sister was at" he asked & the doctor looked down

"You sister is in a coma, we are not sure when she will wake up, it can take days, months, years"

My heart sank when I heard that, it was my fault, they were coming to see me & then this happens.

I felt the tears coming & Jeremy sat up

"I'm so sorry, this is my fault. I'm always ruining things" I say crying.

"Come here" he said patting the hospital bed

"It's not you fault, Ky is gonna be ok don't cry, because crying doesn't help at all" he wiped my face and I nodded "now can you do me a favor ?"

"Anything!" I say quickly

"Bring my some clothes & food please" he said smiling

Jeremy's POV
as soon as Brooke left I broke down, Ky that's my baby sister & if something happened to her I'm not sure what i'd do ... but I had to get myself together and be strong cause that's what men do.

Sorry I haven been updating.. but I wasn't really sure if anyone still read this book .. if you want me to continue let me know & I'll make sure to update more 😘👌

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