Chapter 7

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         I swear on EVERYTHING I love or have EVER loved, I've never been so fucking apalled in my life. Did Myra just call Chris 'daddy' or am I hearing things? Is this what happens when you wake up from a coma you...hear things? I'm pretty sure you just go back to normal. "Daddy?" I gasp. "Ummm, Ty, Honey, Tey and, Mijo can you take Myra to the vending machine real quick?" Chris asks nervously. I wait until they all leave and are out of earshot. "WHY IN THE FUCK IS MYRA CALLING YOU DADDY?!" I yell. "Listen I can explain." Chris says. "Well you better have good explaination for this." I say aggrivated. "Last night, I was drawing a picture and Myra came in my room cause she was scared of the storm and crawled in my bed and asked me what I was drawing and I explained it to her and then she said 'Like you and mommy, daddy?' I-I didn't know what to say so I said 'Yeah.' And I'm guessing that she just took it as I was her father for the past month since I was acting like a father figure towards her." Chris explained. "So you want her to think that you're her father for the rest of her life?" I say annoyed. "Well what did you want me to do? Huh, it's not like you're gonna bump into Tre' again? He already moved away before he got the chance to know her!" Chris yelled. Woah, when in the fuck did he find out about Tre'? "How do you know Tre' is her father?" I ask on the verge of tears. Tre' is a very touchy subject to me. Silence filled the room for about half a minute. "So you're not gonna answer my question?" Silence. Once again. "Listen I'm gonna ask you one more time. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW THAT TRE' IS HER FATHER!" I yell already crying. Chris aid something but I couln't hear him. "Speak the fuck up!" I scream. "I READ YOUR JOURNAL!" Chris yelled. He-he what? "IS THAT LOUD ENOUGH FOR YOU? HUH?" Chris screamed in my face. Oh so he wanna scream in my face. So I slapped him and mushed his face back. 

         "How far did you read?" "Enough to know that you strip for a living." Chris said with disgust. "You know what, bring Myra back in here and leave." "Why?" "CAUSE I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE YOU! YOU INVADE MY PRIVACY, YOU HAVE MYRA CALLING YOU DADDY AND, CAUSE YOU'RE A FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I yell. "Oh, and I fucking hate you." I spat before Chris left. After a while Myra walked back in as well as Nya, Ciara and, Breanna. "Oh my god you- what's wrong?" Ciara said worried. "Myra cover your ears, okay." "Okay mommy." Once she covered her ears I explained everything that just happened. "Oh my god!" "That bitch." "Uh-uh, imma cut him." Ciara, Breanna and, Nya said. "I know-" "Excuse me Ms. Parker." A Doctor said. "Yes." I said putting on a fake smile. "You are free to go today, you're friends that were recently here already signed you out. And here are your clothes from when you came in here." The doctor said. "Okay. Thanks." Then the doctor left. "Well I'm gonna get dressed." "Okay we'll be waiting outside." Nya said. As I got dressed, I couldn't help but think about how today was pure hell. I don't think I'm ever gonna talk to Chris again. But then what do I do about Myra? She's gonna ask 'Where's daddy?' What do I say? God, now I know how Chris felt. I hope I bump into Tre' really soon. And as in soon I mean right now.

         I finish getting dressed and walk out. We walk to the car and drive back to my house. God I can't wait to get home. I miss being home with my lil munchkin. I love her to death, no one can ever replace her. I just wish our family can be complete. Me, Tre' and Myra. Together.


         She blew this whole situation out of fucking proprtion for no fucking reason. I didn't want to be the bad guy and tell Myra no I'm not her father and have her start crying because her real father isn't in her life. Plus Myra grew on me. I treated her as if she was my first child. And Esscence wanna act like that? Especially when she smacked me? No. Don't do that. But honestly what hurt me the most is that she said that she hates me. It hurt because I love her. All throughout high school. When I walked out Ty, Honey, Mijo, Teayana and, Myra were just walking up to the room. "Myra, your mom wants you. I gotta go okay." I said crouching down to her level. "Okay. Bye daddy." Myra said. "Bye." Then we left and as expected they all bomboarded me with questions and I had to explain EVERYTHING. Honestly they we're pretty shocked and a bit upset with me. But, I mean what was I supposed to do? They did agree with Esscence but they did agree with me on some parts too. I just don't even know what to feel anymore. Somehow I feel complete when I'm around Myra and Esscence. But wanna know what I just noticed? She didn't even thank me for looking after Myra. Like I did you a big favor. I even took her to her first of school. Yet she wanna focus on Myra calling me daddy. Now I sit here just rolling a blunt. Inhaling the good shit and exhaling the bullshit. 

         I should probably return Myra's clothes and Esscence's journal. So I finished my blunt and headed out since I still had my clothes on. 

*                                                                        *                                                                            *

"Coming!" Esscence shouted. I was contimplating on if I should just leave the clothes and her journal by the door or, just let give it to her. Before I made my deciscion the door opened. "Oh, what the hell do you want?" Esscence spat. "To return these and talk." I said honestly. "You can do the first part of what you said. Just not the second part cause, I don't wanna talk to YOU." Esscence  said the emphasis on "you". Just as she was about to close the door I stuck my foot in the door. "Can you lea-" "DADDY!" Myra screamed running towards the door. "Hey babygirl." I said as she hugged me. "Mommy, can daddy stay over and play dolls with me?" Myra pleaded. "Please." Myra begged. "I don't think he has ti-" "Of course I will. Anything for my babygirl." I said before Esscence could finish. "C'mon, this way!" Myra squealed dragging me towards her room.


         Damn. Damn. DAMN. Myra just HAD to come out her room. At least he had the decency to return her and my stuff. I walked back into the kitchen to finish cooking dinner. I can tell this is gonna be a long night. Since dinner was almost ready I walked to Myra's room to tell her and..him. "My-" "No. Daddy you have to talk in a deeper voice and actually move his legs for him to walk. Not jump up and down like a monkey." Myra instructed. Oh, I know how Myra is about her dolls. "Okay. So what should his name be?" Chris asked. "Michael. And my doll name is Naomi." "Okay Naomi." "But, Michael, mommy said no cookies after 7." "So, mommy is asleep what she don't know won't hurt her. And you better not tell!" "Tell mommy what?" I said joining the conversation. "Uh, that we love you!" Then they tackled me tickling me all over and plant wet sloppy kisses all over my face. "Stop! Dinner's almost ready." With that Chris jumped up and ran to the kitchen. Me and Myra laughed when he fell in the process. "That wasn't funny." "You're right. IT WAS HILARIOUS!" Myra teased. That made me laugh even more. She is just like me. "Boo hoo. Boo hoo." Chris fake cried. "Don't worry. It was only a joke." Myra comforted. "Awww alright go wash your hands and sit at the table." I annouced. "Bet I could get to the bathroom before you!" Chris teased. "I'm already halfway there!" Myra yelled. "AYE, NO RUNNING IN MY HOUSE, PEOPLE LIVE UNDER US!" I yelled. "Okay." Myra and Chris huffed. What am I gonna do? Myra looks much happier when she's around Chris. I'm starting to feel bad for yelling at Chris for that. He didn't know what to do. I should've understood that earlier. And I gotta thank him for watching Myra. I think I'll just let her think Chris is her father until I bump into Tre' which probably won't be anytime soon. I see Chris also enjoys being around Myra. I think she's growing on him. They just seem so inseparable. 

         "This is really good." Chris said. "Thanks." I said."Mommy always cooks good." Myra smiled. "I know I do.'' I said confidently. "Well it looks like someone's bedtime." I stated. "5 more minutes mommy?" Myra begged. "Myra." I warned. "C'mon, give her 5 more minutes." Chris added. "Fine." I huffed. "Yes."  "Can you help me clean up?" I asked. "Sure." Chris answered. I began washing the dishes as Chris wiped down the table and counters. "You know, I never got to thank you properly for watching Myra." I confessed. "It's okay." Chris said plainly. "No really. Thank you." "Your welcome." "And I'm sorry for yelling and blowing things out of proportion, and slapping you." I said lowly. "You're forgiven. Just don't smack me again." Chris joked. "I hope I won't have to.'' I giggled. "And I don't hate you. I was just mad.'' I added. "I'm sorry for reading your journal. It made me feel bad knowing that you did used to cut your wrists and cry yourself to sleep. I'm sorry for fucking up your life." Chris stated. "It's okay. I forgive you." I replied facing him. "I see how happy Myra is around you. She really looks up to you as a father figure in her life." "Yeah. So can I still be her father?" Chris asked. "Yeah. I don't wanna ruin her happiness. Only until I bump into Tre'. That's if I do." I said honestly. "Okay. So, can we be friends again?" Chris asked. "Best friends." I corrected. "Best friends again?" Chris asked. "Yeah. Best friends." I said smiling. 

| So, Chris and Esscence are best friends again ! LoveHate Thing by Wale on the side. Did you like how the chapter turned out? It took me forever to think of how to write this. So tell me how you feel and don't forget to...Comment. Vote. Fan. -Andrea |

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