Chapter Five: Dance With Me Tonight

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The room spins as my eyes peel open; it feels as if they are stitched together. Panic quickly takes over me as the roof over my head comes into focus. It’s a roof that I don’t recognize. My head snaps around in confusion and I see that I am still in Olly’s hotel room. The window to our left lets a sunset beam in… Oh no! I fell asleep! And it’s almost evening. I look to the alarm clock on the bedside table and see that it is quarter after seven.

Olly’s arms are wrapped tightly and protectively around my body, and I can hear silent snores puffing from his head which lies above mine. The last I remember, we were making out and…Oh… I told him that I was a virgin. But he didn’t seem bothered by it; he seemed pretty okay with it actually.

Inhaling deeply and trying to steady my body, I wriggle out of his grasp without waking him up. The room is clean and smells of aftershave and fresh air. Kind of like Olly does, and now I smell of it too. Jeez, things escalated quickly.

Olly looks so peaceful when he’s asleep, kind of like a kid. His lips kind of pout as if his toy truck was taken from him and he curls up a bit, his arms lost without something to cuddle with. I see him shiver in his sleep, I don’t blame him, it’s freezing. Carefully, I grab the blanket and pull it up until it reaches his chin and he stills, warm.

I am just about to creep out of the room when my phone blares from inside my pocket. It’s the ‘Friends’ theme song, the show I had been obsessed with for a large portion of my life. I try and yank it out before Olly wakes up, but it’s too late. By the time I grab it and slide my finger across the screen, Olly is upright, looking around with his eyes squinted like he is as confused as I was when I woke up.

As I hold up the phone to my ear, I flash Olly a large smile that says. ‘Oops! Sorry about that’.

“Hello?” My voice is groggy and hoarse from sleep.

“Cuz? What’s up with your voice? You sound like you’ve been suck—”

“Okay okay!” I snap at Megan. “I just woke up, sorry.” Once I realize that Olly is watching me, I use my free hand to pat down my hair that is sticking up in all directions. “Something you need?”

“Saucy today, aren’t we,” she mutters, chuckling from the other end. “Me and a friend are going out to a club tonight and were wondering if you and Oliver would care to join us. You can’t decline because I already got you a fake I.D and it wasn’t cheap.”

“Gosh… thanks,” I say half-heartedly. I don’t know if I am up for a night out. I’m sleepy and confused about Olly. But Megan isn’t going to drop this, so I just sigh loudly to show my frustration and lack of interest and say, “Yeah, what time?”

“Oh, say ten-ish. Sound good?”

“Yeah, okay. But what do I wear? I’m currently in jeans, a leather jacket and painful high-heels. There is no way in hell that you are getting me to dance in high heels.” I am putting my foot down now.

“Dance?” I hear Olly say from behind me, but I just stick up my index finger to indicate that I need another minute.

“I’ll grab you something hot; you can change in the car. Anywho, I have to go. Meeting is still in progress. Talk to you in a bit, cuz!” With that, she hangs up on me and I am left with the dial tone.

Turning to a grinning Olly, I perk up my eyebrows. “So…”

“So? So what? I want to go dancing!”

“You’re like a high-school student who had one too many energy drinks.” I chuckle and plop down on the foot of the bed and Olly rubs the sleep out of his eyes. “Hey, about what happened earlier… sorry to kind of dump that on you, I just got kinda… freaked out.”

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