Chapter 1

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Preface: I knew I was different from the rest of my pack mates even before I was hatched. I could feel the difference and how many Raptors do you know that can listen and fully understand the human language? Yes, that's right I said Raptor, as in a seven foot tall, female Dinosaur. But as you know by now, I'm different, very different. This is my story. 

The first words I heard were before I was even hatched, but they weren't the words of my Mother or Father, they were human words and I found that to be strange. The day I hatched, everyone seemed excited. I could feel their excitement grow as I fought to get free the egg that had kept me safe. For me, I was urged on by the people who were now crowded around me. The people were saying things like "Come on baby, you can do it." in gentle voices filled with happiness. See? I told you I was different. I was snapped out of my thoughts as Delta pushed past me along with Zemma, Coral, and Corona, my sisters and pack mates. I heard Owen's voice from up top so I slowly walked forward until I saw him standing about ten feet above us on the four-way 'catwalk' with a clicker and a bucket. "Good! Eyes up!" I continued to stare at the ground, sick of his training games. I had him all figured out, he loved everyone except me, I was the difficult one. "Lynn! I said eyes up!" I let out a small snarl and finally gave up, feeling my stomach rumble with hunger. I looked up at him, trying to hide the glare in my hazel-blue eyes. "Good!" He said firmly, a smile on his lips. My reward was a frozen white rat. I gulped it down, hating the way it froze my throat and sent a shiver down my back. Luckily, no one noticed. After a few more minutes of Owen praising my sisters, we were allowed to roam in our cage. Yes, I know it's called a "Paddock" but to me, it was nothing more then a containment unit, a cage with little room to run or roam free. I sighed internally until Zemma, the second oldest next to Delta, nudged me lightly and said "Cheer up. What's the matter with you anyways?" I turned to my older sister and said "Zemma... please, leave me alone." Zemma refused and got in my way, making me stop mid stride. "Zemma! Go away!" I snarled at her, glaring as I walked around her. A low warning rumbled in my throat then I heard a whistle, my whistle. I hung my head and trotted towards the area where we sometimes had our heads locked in restraints as Owen looked us over for any problems. I stopped about two feet away, knowing what was coming. I walked forward until I heard Owen's voice say "come on girl, I know you don't like it but we have to check you." I grumbled but put my head into the locking device, wincing as it snapped shut, closing my jaw and locking in place around my neck and shoulders. My useless arms were tucked up against my chest as Own gently ran his hands over the sides of my head. I blinked rapidly as a light was shone into my eyes, making my head hurt. I began to struggle violently, shaking the whole cage as I thrashed from side to side the best I could. "Whoa, whoa! Easy girl, easy!" Owen said loudly, making my head hurt even more. "Damn it! Let me go, now!" I shouted, which came out as a loud rumble to Owen and the other humans. "ECHOLYNN, CALM DOWN!" The harsh command made me go still, only when Owen meant business did he use my full name, which is EchoLynn. I was named after a former pack mate, Echo, who was killed by the Indominus Rex. That whole thing was way before my time but I overheard stories from the people who looked after me and my pack mates. I finally calmed down as I was given a light sedative so I wouldn't wreck the metal muzzle. Dr. Henry Wu slowly approached after he asked, "is Lynn okay?" Through my blurry vision, I saw Owen nod yes and the good doctor, my creator, smiled a he came closer. "Hello my beautiful creature." He said softly, stroking the left side of my face as he did. I closed my eyes and let out a low rumble, signalling that I was happy to see him. I liked Dr. Wu, he had always treated me special even during my worst fits of rage in the past. "How's she doing with the others?" Just as Dr. Wu asked that, one of my "lovely" pack mates, no doubt Delta, decided to bite my tail as hard as she could. I threw a fit, mostly because of the pain but also because Delta knew better then to do that. She did that once before and I gave her a nasty scar on her back leg that she still has today. I managed to get free from the metal muzzle and I turned on Delta, going straight for her throat but missing. I clamped down on her forearm, making her retaliate as she slammed me into the closest wall with such force, it knocked the wind from my lungs. I let go of her arm as Owen ran into the cage, separating Delta and I. "Easy girls..." Owen warned, looking at Delta then at me. Corona, Coral and Zemma all came running, stunned by the noises that I was making. They sounded almost half human as I shouted at Delta in Dino language. "HOW DARE YOU! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" I roared in her face. Delta just looked at me, a smug look in her golden brown eyes. I lunged for her again but a tranquilizer dart hit me in the thigh and I fell to the ground as I faded to sleep. 

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