Crimson is my favorite color

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A switch blade was carefully pulled out of his black jeans and lightly balanced it on his thumb. He sighed leaning back on a tree, while trying to hold back the tears threatening to fall. His life was completely hell. Kanda left him for his best friend who he considered his Sister.

He could hear nothing but the wind silently blowing leaves around, but everything seemed so dead to him. Caught up in his high rush.

Allen took the blade in his left hand and drew a thick crimson line. Ignoring the stinging pain he got from it, he decided to add a few more. Then some more. Pretty soon his arm was vacant of the pale smooth skin he come to hate.

Allen could no longer hold back the tears as he thought about the people he cared for the most stab him hard to where he could no longer breathe. He sobbed not caring anymore.

Deciding that he need more of his favorite color, he painted his left arm leaving no trace of easing up or caring if the blood loss killed him. Allen took of his leather jacket, the only thing he had of Kanda's, and started to carve words and drawing deep into his arm.

The words "Kill Me. Pain. Useless. And Death" Were barely visable, clouded by all the crimson blood. By now Allen can barely see straight. He could feel himself getting weaker and weaker but he didn't light up on himself.

He carved more and more line and drawing on his skin until he felt drained from everything and eventually clasped where he was. In his 30 seconds of consciousness, he could hear the wind blowing around him, rustling the leaves and a few branches breaking around him. When he started hearing nothing he felt free as if saying my torture is over.

Sorry everyone for the worst story. I am really depressed and It seems no one is really there for me. I am a major bitch to Allen and so I apologize. Allen is a go to stress reliever.

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