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"I can't believe this," the younger girl sighed as she paced through the room. Danni was the closest thing that she'd ever had to a best friend, but she could be such a handful. And although they were both troublemakers, Danni always got into things without really knowing what the outcome might be.

The trickster in question fiddled around with a stolen keychain that read "The Golden State" in oversized lettering as she mumbled, "Well, Raina, I can assure you it's not fiction."

"I know that, it's just- I-" she stuttered pause. "You got hit with a lamp for Christ's sake!"

"Vase actually..."

"I DON'T CARE!" Raina snapped. She rubbed her forehead and muttered something to the effect of "We need more TV dinners." And promptly found her way out of the apartment.

This left only the mischievous Danni May Cellur and a thick, violet notebook. It was only slightly bigger than her hand, and had a hard cover. It had never been used before, but Danni thought of a way to change that...


I'm working on chapter 1 at the moment. If you like the story, please support me and/or comment with any suggestions or feedback. I love your guys' intuition. Thanks!

O.P. xx

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