αugust 18

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Um... Hi. I'm Danni Cellur, and this notebook is basically just to record all of my badass-ery, and to let off some steam from time to time. I've never really had a journal before, so... I guess I'll just jump right into it.

The following is my recount of yesterday: August 18

"Okay get in. Get out. Don't get distracted, don't make noise, and most importantly don't get hurt." Raina lectured me as she finished hooking up the Bluetooth earpieces. When I wear them, she's able to communicate with me while she's still back in the van.

I sighed, "You're treating me like I've never even robbed a taco stand before."

Raina dropped the Bluetooth earpiece into my hand and playfully shoved me out o the van. "Just hurry up you ass." she chuckled and closed the van doors as quietly as possible.

I started walking through the side yard of our target. It was a modern, two-story flat that had a balcony around back. Nobody ever locks their balcony doors, so usually they're the easiest to get into. Of course, I can pick locks, but Raina is a lot better at it. Speaking of Raina, I should put in the Bluetooth now.

I fixed the microphone onto my shirt collar and stuffed the speaker into my ear.

"Raina? Can you hear me?"

"Yeah, I gotcha." I heard her say from the other side. "I came by here earlier today. The front and back door are locked, but there's a window between the back door and the side of the house that's open."

I located the back door and started scanning the wall. Found it.

"Okay I found it. There's a screen on it, though."

Raina came back on the line, "Push the bottom of the screen up and then pull." I did as she instructed, and sure enough - it opened. I used a stump to lift myself up to the window, and once I was over, I used an end table to get myself down.

Once my eyes adjusted, I saw that the inside of the flat wasn't the neat, modest home that I was expecting.

"Yikes..." I whispered.

"What is it?" I jumped. Man, I had forgotten that Raina was still on the line.

I replied to Raina in an almost-whisper, "Whoever lives here is messier than I am..." and, to be honest, my mess was a high bar to beat. Raina used to get kind of ticked off because of it, but I think that she eventually just gave up.

She started giggling, "How is that even possible?"

"Oh shush, human." By this time, I had walked around most of the bottom of the house already, carefully picking and choosing the most valuable-looking items, as space was limited in the stuff sack.

"So how far are you?" Her voice snapped me back to reality.

"Uh, I think I've got just about everything on the bottom floor," I told her, "I'm gonna go up."

I quietly hopped up the stairs and had just gotten to the top when Raina spoke again. The first time, it was under her breath.

"Oh shit..."

The second time was more panicked and she had gotten louder.

"Danni, you gotta get out of there! Some people just went into the house and-"

"I'll deal with it." I told her as I carelessly picked my way through a shelf, finding a Nikon camera and $14 just laying around.

Raina countered my"No, you don't understand. It's 7 people, and I think they're all guys and-"

I interrupted her again, "Wait what?" I heard the front door open and a bunch of people laughing.

Raina came over the communicator again, "You heard me. Seven people. HIDE YOU BUTTHOLE!"

I ducked in and out of hiding places as Ic Talking started coming from downstairs, "It's great to be back home, huh boys?" A boy's rough, British accent said as he sighed. Sounds familiar. The others responded with "wonderful" and other things like that.

Another couple of voices said something to the effect of "Get some rest, guys." And, I'm guessing, left through the front door.

I heard Raina's voice come back on again, "Can you get to that balcony in the back? I can come around and help you get down."

I started to respond in a whisper, "Yeah I think I ca-"

The same deep voice that as before interrupted me. "Who the hell are you?!"

I'd been caught plenty of times before, but never by someone so... Cute. He was pretty tall and had dark curly hair and--

Holy shit.

Harry Styles.

Wow, I'm getting caught by a shitty boyband singer? Hell no.

"I'm... Uhm... H-here to fix your..." I stuttered a bit

"To fix your lamp." I said unconvincingly.

"To fix my lamp?" He squinted at me.

I was about to confirm him, but a different accent - Irish I think - interrupted me, "Harry, who are you talking to?" He said as he stepped into the room. I watched his gaze go from Harry to me and then back to Harry. This one had shorter blonde hair. I know that he's in one direction, but I forgot his name. N-something?

Harry turned to what's-his-face and pointed at me, "This chick broke into our flat! She's probably some crazy fan girl who's-"

I cut him off, "Excuse me? Fangirl? I hate your music. It's over-produced and crappy." I crossed my arms.

Harry started to turn around, "I'm calling the police."

"NO!" I screamed and ran towards him.

"Yes!" He pulled out his cell phone.

"No!" I kicked his chest as hard as I could, causing him to fall backwards. The phone flew out of his hands. He started kicking and screamed for the other boy to help him. I heard footsteps running up behind me.

I started to turn my head, "What the he-" I was cut off by a pain in the back of my head.

And that's the last thing I remember.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2013 ⏰

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