The score so far

220 2 0

Hey Everybody!  It is possible, that you could become a nominee if you get more than 6 votes by late September.  So it is not to late to become one! 

Also, we have the results added up so far, again, this is NOT the winner.  This is just our results so far.

Directioner_Lovatic6 - 2 votes

JemmaLeena - 2 votes

louiegouie - 2 votes

RANDOMshyperson - 2 votes

Yup!  Everybody is tied!  SO PLEASE VOTE FOR ONE RIGHT AWAY!  Also, I can vote if I want to, so keep up the good work everybody!

Also, I wanted to let you guys know that if we still have everybody tied by the time we announce the winners, then I will have to give the prize to JemmaLeena because she got 7 votes for her story.

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