Chapter 7

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A/N: Sorry if there are grammar mistakes or spelling errors. It was a long chapter and I was too lazy to proof-read. Heh sorry


It was 6AM when we began to gather at the common room. I was very reluctant to abandon my comfortable bed, thinking nothing could be that important at 6 in the morning. But upon arriving at the common room, I saw that everyone was already there so I thought otherwise. Rox remained by my side and I had Chuck tucked under my arm. For a second there, it felt like I was part of a family again.

I looked around me and spotted Topher yawning in his blue pyjamas while sitting down at the corner of the room. His brown hair was mussed and his shoulders were slumped, clearly still half-asleep. We weren't supposed to be awake until 8. He noticed me looking at him and he cocked his head up, tears in his eyes from all the yawning. I snapped my head from left to right, attempting to find Stuart before a resonating voice cut through the many redundant conversations going on at the moment.

"Good morning, soldiers!" Chief Commander Joy greeted excitedly. There were a few people in the room who muttered a reply but most of us were too tired for his enthusiastic demeanour. While I was anticipating CC. Joy's next words, a guy a tad older than me, bumped Rox from behind and she almost fell had she not grabbed onto my hand. She mumbled a quick 'wanker' when the guy was out of earshot. I thought she was going to let go after she had regained her balance but she held on for the entire meeting. I was not one to complain.

"I'm sure most of you are in a bad mood since you just woke up so I'll make this brief," he began. I looked down and saw Chuck with his eyes closed, leaning his head against my body. It was quite unfair of CC Joy to deprive him of his sleep. Nevertheless, I was anxious to know what this was all about.

"Our battalion has decided to hold a tournament for you young soldiers. As you know, the strongest squad will be sent out to fight against the Creepers. To make sure we have picked the most prepared squad, all squads will be competing in this tournament. You shall be given a week to prepare for this tournament shall be long, challenging and painful. Good luck" and he descended from the stage to exit the room.

The room was buzzing with remarks; some excited, some apprehensive. I looked at Rox and her eyes were glazed-over, probably thinking about something. Since she was still holding on to me, I moved my hand and she snapped out of her reverie. She turned to face me, her eyes sleepy and her skin pale, having just woke up.

"What do you think of all this?" I asked her. I expected a long, explanatory answer but she just shrugged. Instead she replied me with another question.

"Can we go back to sleep now?" she questioned. I nodded and led both her and Chuck outside the common room. We were halfway to our dorm when Chuck stopped walking and with his eyes closed he raised both his arms, silently asking me to carry him. I laughed and willingly obliged. Despite trying to act tough and badass all the time, there was still a part of him that was a child. With Chuck in my arms, we walked down the path. The atmosphere was cold and humid and the puddles meant that it had just stopped raining. There weren't many plants at the army base but there were a few along the path. I could see the dew streaming down leaves and falling onto the ground. It was weird to think that I never acknowledged all these little things before the invasion but now, these little things are what keep me sane. I was busy observing my surroundings when Rox spoke up.

"I don't want this for him" she said. I looked at her, not comprehending.

"The tournament, the violence. I don't want that for him" she said as she looked at the sleeping boy in my arms. I looked at him too. His flimsy hair was stuck to his forehead, his small shoes were dangling, his nose scrunched up in the cutest manner as he slept. Yes, I didn't want that for him either but there was nothing I could do to prevent it. I didn't voice my thoughts because I was sure Rox already knew.

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