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test² one..two..three..

Berdiri nya author di sini ingin..acaca je ok author nak promote acc author. Author suka baca ff dorang baca lah sekali ff dorang T.T follow sekali sorry because mention author² nim

Hyunwonwoo__ ff dia best tauu baca lah

ElisaSofea baca ff dia tapi dia in map sesat sekejap

-kiyosanta my friend have a lots of swag XD eng broken

-joshuahong josh josh josh

ILLeeFatihah tak tahu nak cakap apa ._.

pinkykookie27 author suka ff dia huwaaa fab

-pjmjams_ hah! She got lots of jams

LeyffaAuliaRamdhini huwaa mian chingu lupa nak promote you punya acc!! So dia pun akan update ff nya tu pon kalau ada poster~

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