K Project Fanfiction

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Lilith's POV

With my hood covering most of my face I walk down an Alley and see the building, I look up at the sign hoping that this is the place I have been looking for the past couple of days. I opened the door and entered.

"Welcome, How can I help you?" A man behind the bar asks me, I looked towards him with my hood still covering my face,

"Is this Homra?" I ask walking a little closer towards the bar,

"Yes this is" I stop in front of the bar,

"I am looking for Anna Kushina." He seems to freeze when I said the name,

"Why are you looking for her? Who are you?" He asked in a serious tone,

"I cannot tell you why just yet, I just need to know if she is okay." I reply but I didn't think he liked my answer but before he could reply I heard footsteps coming from behind me from the stairs,

"Good Morning, you two" He says looking towards the stairs, I looked towards the stairs and saw a man with red hair walking down the stairs next to him I could see thee edge of a lolita dress, I continued to watch until they got to the bottom of the stairs. They turned and faced towards the bar. I saw a little girl with Silver hair and red eyes, I reconised her.

"Anna!" I say and the little girl I knew was Anna nodded her head before I see a little glint in her eyes. She lets go of the man's hand and ran towards me and engulfed me in a hug making my hood fall down and my long red hair along with it.

"I've missed you Anna, I was so scared when I heard what they did to you." I say and have a little smile on my face. The guy behind the bar speaks up.

"Will you tell me who you are now?" I looked at him with my now showing Forest Green Eyes,

"Where would you like me to start?" I ask. The man with red hair was now lying down on one of the couches. Anna guided me to one of the other ones. I sat down and Anna jumped up on my lap,

"How about you name, age and how you know Anna?" I nod and look towards him,

"My name is Lilith Kaen Kushina, I'm 20 and I am Anna's older sister." I say and he looks a little shocked,

"I thought you was 15 or 16." I giggle a little,

"Yeah I get that...Alot." I say and Anna's hands me a red marble, I let it role about on my palm.

"So who are you?" I ask

"Oh, My name Is Izumo Kusanagi and the one lying down over there is Mikoto Suoh" I nod and smile at the two of them,

"Its nice to meet both of you." I hand Anna the marble back,

"Anna how have you been?"

"I've been well." Anna says before hoping of my lap,

"Lil, you still have a beautiful red, It's now bright. Brighter then Mikoto's" Anna says, I smile a little and then look down at my hands. I heard movement to the side of me, I look up and see Mikoto now sitting next to me. I direct my attention back to Anna."

"I am surprised that you remember my red after so long, even after they seprated us." I say without letting my sadness I had show.

"If you don't mind me asking, Miss Kushina, who are you taking about when you say 'they'?" Izumo asks and I sigh,

"Please call me Lily or Kaen. To answer your question though I am talking about the gold clan." I could tell Mikoto had tensed when I mentioned them,

"Are you a Stain?" Izumo asks as he sat down across from me,

"I don't know anymore." I looked down at my hands,

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