(RANT)another stupid thing i did

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Why is it that when girls like a guy we act so fucking different like the hell.
I personally don't but most girls do.
Like come in I know your nervous but he's a guy the only guy I could think of to be nervous around is a guy you've like since forever and your scared go tell him how u feel. Well here's a tip. We need to stand up and tell this ass hole we like him. Sooner or later he moves somewhere else or he gets a girl. We tend to make ourselves more noticed than needed driving him away. Pushing him to someone else.
It's fine to feel this way but in the end we mostly hurt ourselves.
I feel the same way. I had three days to tell him and still haven't.
We feel as if if we like him so much than it might hurt more if he says no. So for all you girls out there imma ask him today.

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