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No One POV

It's 9:00 and everyone is still sleep because they were tired from the party last night. Walter and Kiesha came to the house and knocked on the door when nobody answering Walter took out a key and opened the door to find everybody knocked out.

Walter,Kiesha: *walk in*

Kiesha: what the Walter y these kids still sleep didn't I tell Prodigy to make sure and tell them that they have to be ready by 9:00.

Walter: I have no idea but this house is a mess

Kiesha: *goes over to the center of the room and turns on the lights and puts the tv on full volume*

Boys: *jump up*

Girls: *scream*

Kiesha: I thought I told yall to be ready by 9:00 see now we off schedule

E/O: *look at Prod*

Prod: what I told yall

Walter: hurry up and take showers and get dressed so we can go the limo is waiting outside GO

Girls: *take they showers first and get dressed*

Boys: *took they showers and got dressed*

1hr Later

E/O: *comes downstairs*

Walter: everybody ready

YN,Kylan,Auria,Makaila: yes sir

Walter: boys

Boys: yes sir

Walter: then let's go Kiesha is already in the car

Boys+Girls: *get in the limo*

In The Limo

Kiesha: so I have heard that all of you guys and girls have had some issues with the OMG Girlz

YN: ugh can we please not talk about them they give me a headache

Kiesha: YN we have a 30 min ride till we get to the studio where we will meet Diggy, Lil Twist, and the Girlz we will talk about this before we get there so yall can get a better look at each other

YN: *groans* fine

Kiesha: anyways what has happened between yall

Prod: well Kiesha a few days ago Beauty and Babydoll came to the Conjuction House and started flirting with me and Prince at the time YN and Kylan were out shopping

Prince: so Beauty started to kiss up on Prod and Babydoll started to kiss up on me we knew if YN and Kylan saw that they would accuse us of cheating so we tried to push them off when YN and Kylan walked in

Roc: and then *gco*

Prod: sorry Roc u wasn't there remember

Roc: oh yea..... continue

Prod: so they saw us but ran upstairs before we could say anything but before YN left she told me Prince, Babydoll, and Beauty to sit and stay so we did then she came back downstairs with Makaila and started beatin the Girlz up and then bruised us up a little bit and that is the end of my story

Kiesha: oh well when we get there we will rehearse and then will hear the Beauty and Babydolls side of the story

YN: there side of the story our side is the only side u should be listening to because they gonna lie

Prod: babe calm down

Kiesha: YN we will hear their side

YN: *quiet*

Kiesha: have u girls met Star yet

Kylan: no

Makaila: I don't know they all look the same to me

YN: nope

Auria: nah

Kiesha: good because u girls will love her

Kylan: ok

They Arrive at The Place

Walter: ok when we get in here u girls and guys can say ur hellos and get to know each other for 10 min

Girls: ok

Boys: k

They go In

OMG: aww hey girls *open their arms out for a hug*

YN: *walks past and starts doing stretches*

Kylan: *joins YN*

Makaila: *shakes their hands then joins YN and Kylan*

Auria: *gladly hugs all 3 of them*

Makaila,Kylan,YN: -_-

Auria: what *starts stretching*

YN: wait why r we stretching when we r back up singers

Makaila: oh yea let's practice our voices then

Girls: *do voice preps*

2hours later

Prod: girls yall were good

YN: I try *laughs*

Makaila: *laughs* thanks

Auria: thanks

Kylan: thank ya

Twist: when yall learn to sing like that

Kylan: Twist we r famous u kno

Twist: oh yea *walks off*

Walter: back to practice

5 Hours Later

YN: I am so tired come on let's go

Roc: y are yall tired we the ones who been dancing this whole time

Kylan: singing takes a lot Roc it takes a lot

Roc: -.- whatever

Girls: *bout to walk out the door*

Kiesha: YN, Makaila, Auria, and Kylan come here boys gone ahead we will meet u at the house in 30

Boys: k *leave*

Kiesha: OMG we would like to get to kno each other better and hear ur side of the story

Beauty: ok me and Babydoll since we were there will tell what happened that night it all started when.........


Are they gonna tell the truth and try and b friends with the girls or r they gonna lie and try and take the boys away from the girls????????

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