the awkward Raven

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Authors note: sorry the pic is the same as another one of my chapters, i just didn't find the time to get another

After the hospital let me leave, I had told Nick that my things were at the apartment ready to pick up.
When we got there Nick told me to stay put, as I can't get out on my own cause of my condition.
"Oh Nick you'll need this" I handed him my ID because they wouldn't let him take my things otherwise.
When Nick loaded my three boxes, he climbed back into the car and drove off.
We passed several buildings including the ZPD, but just when I started to get bored, we pulled into a driveway.
"So you don't have an apartment?" I asked Nick
"I rent a house" I thought the house looked lived in, meaning the porch was listed with who knows what.
He parks his car in the garage.
"We can get your things later"
He gets out while I open my door and he comes around and picks me up.
Once we get inside, he puts me down, and looks kinda embarrassed.
"No worries Nick, my house used to be half as bad as this"
He chuckled then when to imitate cleaning, and I don't mean shoving all his belongings into a box or closet, he actually was organizing everything.
I just grabbed the remote and turn in the TV. I clicked to watch the news.
After he finished the ENTIRE house, he came back to sit next to me on the couch. "I'll vacuum later"
As he put his arm on the back if the couch
"Um, I need roomy space" I said as I scooted over
"Sorry" he said in reply.

Nicks p.o.v: after an hour if TV I decided to put her things in the spare room.
I kept thinking how funny it was that I don't even know her name yet we live under the same roof.
I got into the trunk of the car and grabbed all the boxes, and went inside.
I could hardly see in front of me, because of the boxes.
I went upstairs because all the rooms were on the second floor.
I went back down to see that she was curled up on the couch asleep. I thought it would be mean to leave her sleeping there so I moved her to her new room.
I didn't want to leave her alone yet so I decide to unpack her things. I opened the box full of different objects, mainly stuffed animals, and other things.

Ravens p.o.v: I woke up after a good nap, but quickly realized that I wasn't on a couch anymore, I was In a room filled with my belongings in it. Nick must have unpacked for me. I was sleeping with one of my stuffed animals.

I hugged the memory of it.
That's when I started wondering where was Nick?
I got up, and kind of slowly slipped out of bed, and dragged myself across the floor till I reached the door.
It was left open, so I just left the room only to find straight ahead was a staircase but all along the hallway going to stairs was a few doors, slightly left open.
I then heard one of those doors open and Nick came out. Oops I thought, wonder what he was thinking of me lying on the floor.

"You know you could've just given a holler and I could've helped right?"
"Um, well this is awkward" I said with a blush.
Then Nick picked me up and walked down the stairs carefully.
He accidentally slipped and we both stubbled down the stairs and landed real harshly.
I rubbed my leg because of all the aching pain I was in from the fall
"Using me as a cushion now?" Nick asks as I realized I was on top of him.
We both looked at each other for a moment confused on what to do next.
Then it really got awkward when I tried to get up I slipped and our muzzles touched for a split second
Nick had made a kissing sound as I moved my face away from his.
I then just rolled off and dealt with the pain.
"Hey cotton tail, you know what I find funny, I don't even know your name and we live in the same house"

"Well only temporarily" I mention. "But if you want to know my name that badly, then I'll tell you"


"Well aren't you pretty shy now"

"It's Raven, just so you know"

"Sounds like a birds name"

"Don't laugh"

"Too late" Nick said with a chuckle, then we both started laughing, well he thought he was funny while I laughed because he did.
I tried to stand but couldn't, that's when Nick grabbed my elbow and helped me up.
"We need to get you some crutches so you can walk"
I grasp the wall for support, then headed to the kitchen because that's where my nose and stomach wanted to be, I grabbed some cereal and at it dry.

I decide that I was going to be bored if I didn't find something to do. So I hobbled over to the couch and turned on the TV and watch some more news. Nick sat down beside me but i was to lazy to tell him to move over.

Nicks p.o.v: I sat down next to her and she didn't get on my case of disrupting her bubble space. Then a few hours into a TV report she kind of leaned over and landed on my lap.
I turned her face to see she was asleep again, wow I knew the doctor said she needed sleep but I never thought this much.
So I just let her be.

Authors note:   please comment so I may know how I'm doing, if you have a suggestion I would absolutely love to hear it.

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