Chapter Thirteen - You Warned Me

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Haley's POV

I sat there looking at the two huddling up together by the fire, Cole had already fallen asleep. Rythian didn't seemed to be bothered, in fact, he was with Zoey at the waterfall listening to her talk without showing a single sign of irritation. What when though my mind when I saw Emelia going for Cole? I don't know. When I finally scaled that waterfall all the way to the top, it was amazing. Even with the sun shining on my face, when you are up high, a nice cool breeze will blow from time to time. I enjoyed the view, then I looked down.

Zoey being together with Rythian didn't bother me at all really, Rythian already has a girlfriend and I know that the bond between protector and princess was strong. My eyes then drifted to Cole and Emelia, I knew I had to do something.

First, we barely knew this, Emelia. Second, Cole is still healing from the relationship that happened a year ago. Her eyes were closed and Cole's facial expression was a mix of fear and longing. I knew he was going to go for it so I quickly teleported behind Emelia and pushed her in the water. In my defense, I didn't know she couldn't swim, I mean really. I didn't listen to her, the only time she caught my attention was when Cole decided to go all nice.

As I sit here looking at the both of them, I realized. This wasn't to protect him. It was because I was. I was...


No, I couldn't be, but after eighteen years, I had seen love as a distraction, an excuse to not work. I mentally face palmed myself, I was jealous. I couldn't think straight then I heard someone say.

"Enough debating with yourself, you are jealous that Cole and Rythian found love before you, get over it," I grabbed my katar and looked to where the voice was. It was above me, someone was perched onto a tree in the darkness. The person jumped down, without making a sound, the only things that could be heard was the crackle of fire and Zoey's soft talking. I could see the person's face as the person walked closer.

I immediately recognized her from our clan. Her lilac eyes looked stern and a circles cover up under them, like she didn't get any sleep at all. The woman wore a black tank top and shorts complete with combat boots. A few strands of her black hair escaped from her pony tail and a streak of white sat out of place. A piece of cloth which I assumed was used for a mask but was not necessary at the moment, a katar hung from her belt. In her hand was a book and a pencil was in the other. She snapped the book closed, it looked oddly familiar.

"Who are you?" I demanded standing up, "Why were you in that tree? How long have you been watching us?"

She shook her head, "So many questions. For your first question, my name is Valerie Grey, you may have bumped into some of my friends along the way, as for the second and third question, that I cannot answer. I simply showed myself because I am here to warn you of what is coming."

I looked around then I saw everything had stopped. Zoey was frozen in mid laugh and the fire paused, the sounds stopped as well. I looked back at Valerie who didn't seem bothered by this.

"W-warn me about what?" I said.

"The war that is about to come, if I don't tell you about this, the story cannot continue understand?"

I didn't say anything but nodded slowly.

"You must reach Xephos' kingdom quickly, what happens there? I cannot tell you but I assure you, tell Rythian to be ready to comfort Zoey. I cannot say more, reach the castle as fast as you can or the story can't continue, I will be watching but you won't be able to see me, do not inform the others about me or face my wrath," she opened her book and scribbled something, "Monsters are about, be thankful we helped you get rid of them the first nights of your journey but that charity stops here, the Storytellers cannot help you anymore," She paused, "and before I forget."

Valerie stopped writing and something appeared on her book, it was a perfect creeper made out of paper, about the size of my palm.

"151 was wanting to help out more than last time. These are her instructions When you are too late, the creeper will blow up but don't worry, it will make no sound it will not hurt you, this thing is invisible to others," the creeper jumped down from the book and looked up at me, the features on it's face was not a face wanting to kill, but a face wanting to help. It walked towards me. "Name it however you want, but it won't change anything," Valerie looked to the sky, "My time has come," she looked at me, "Goodbye and good luck Haley Enderborn."

"Wait!" I shouted but she had already faded into the darkness, in her place was a small black compass. I crawled over to it and flicked open the lid, it was like a normal compass but in the middle of it was a small Ender Eye, I remember this, it was used for guidance, said to lead you to what you wanted. Zoey's laughter was heard again and the familiar sounds flooded my ears. The creeper looked at it before looking at me and nudged the compass towards me with it's brownish paper head. I picked it up and slipped it into my pocket, I then realized how tired I was.

I leaned back to the tree, still trying to tae in what just happened, the creeper crawled onto my lap and curled up like a cat. It soon fell asleep and then I followed.

A/N: I decided to be nice and to post this early, be happy.

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