Chapter 9

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Nicole POV
I haven't talked to King for the past 3 days and it's the BET Awards.I decided that the kids should come to show our extended family.We are going to support my dad and my uncle Chris.We pulled up to my dads house and I carried Paisley while King carried Cario.
"There's my baby girl"My dad smiled hugging a kissing my cheek
"Hey daddy"I smiled
He took paisley out of my arms and kissed her cheek.
"Your getting so big"he cheesed
"I know right"King agreed causing my smile to fade
"Papa"Cario gurgled
"Hey lil man"my dad said giving him a high five
We walked inside and my mom looked gorgeous.
"Mommy"I cheered
"Aw baby girl"She smiled hugging me tight
"You look beautiful"I smiled
"You look better baby doll"She said before hugging me again
"Alright y'all lets get in the limo"My dad said
We all got in the kids sat between me and King.Im only separating myself from him because I don't want to argue.In Between my thoughts Cario climbed on my lap and started kissing my face.
"Cario stop silly baby"I laughed kissing him back
He smiled and we pulled up to the awards.I got out and cameras flashed Paisley walked in front of us occasionally stopping to pose.
"She is something else"King whispered in my ear
I smiled in agreement.
"Imma take the kids inside go over to Kevin heart he wants to interview y'all"my dad said
"Okay"I said guiding the kids hands to his
I walked to Kevin and felt Kings hand wrap around mine.I looked up at him and he smiled.
"Stop all that damn smiling"Kevin interrupted us
I laughed and so did King
"Nigga I would be by her side if I was a little taller"Kevin joked
"One day Kevin you will find a woman as beautiful and caring"King said before pulling me into a passionate kiss
"Ain't they cute"Kevin smiled
The crowd cheered and Jermiah Oui played as confetti fell out of nowhere.I looked at King and he smiled while I was confused,he got on one knee and I immediately got teary  eyed.
"Nicole I can't imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to.
I know you're the only one I want to share the rest of my life with.
The story of our love is only beginning. Let's write our own happy ending.
There are many ways to be happy in this life, but all I really need is you.
When I look into your eyes, I can see a reflection of the four of us and the life I hope we'll share together so Nicole Love Alsina will you do me the honor and marry me"He asked
"Yes"I smiled kissing him
He put the ring on my finger and a woman out a tiara on my head and the kids came out hugging me and my parents also

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