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I found a book.

It's about a boy named Dan, or I assume that it's a boy at least, the author never uses any gender pronouns for Dan. Dan is quite an ordinary character, very perplex and deep; I guess that's the right word for it. Dan's character seems so well thought out to fit just me, and it's like he reads my mind.

Oh hi again. I've missed you.

The first words I read this morning. He makes me happy, Daniel. I haven't closed the book since I stared reading it. I also haven't told anyone about him, I want to keep him for myself. Or well, I guess I want to keep the book for myself, not him.

Have you missed me?

I smiled at his silly comment, of course I've missed him.

I like your smile.

I never really reflected over comments like that, it was just a book after all. The author probably figured out what the person reading would do and came up with cheeky comments, nothing weird with that.

But he's gotten quite flirty, Daniel. I don't know if I like it yet, I think I do actually. Which is quite weird, figuring that I'm straight, and Dan is a boy.

Or I imagine him as a boy.

Are you bored?

It's Saturday morning, and I don't have anything planned. I never have, not for the weekends at least. So yeah, I'm super bored actually.

We could play a game.

"A game?" great, I'm talking to a book.

Yeah, I mean, if you're up for it.

'Course I am, it's not like I've got anything else to do anyways.

"Philip?" ugh, human interaction.

"Yes mother?"

"What are you doing up there?"



Where did you go?

"Nowhere." I smiled - wait - okay I'm starting to question my sanity.


I rolled my eyes.

Yes, right, game. I mean, it's kind of stupid.

It's not stupid.

Okay then, I mean, it really is.

Come on.

Truth or dare?

I chuckled for myself, that's a fairly easy game, a truth has never hurt someone (okay yes it has but still.)

So- are you naked?

I almost dropped the book.


I got the feeling that he was blushing, but it's fine.

"No." I whispered, blush spreading across my cheeks.


Truth, by the way.

I smiled again, I kind of want to know if he's ever loved before.

But you really want to know if I'm gay, don't you? Might be.

This is getting weird, like actually weird.

Sorry, I didn't mean to do this. I was never meant to do this, I crossed every boundary possible I just wanted to talk to you you're so nice and- sorry.

Maybe I'm just tired, or maybe I've been reading for too long?

No, please don't close it; I don't want to die yet.


Never mind.

I think I like you and I've never experienced this before, I don't want to start from the beginning again.

"But how can I-"

You can't. Get me out, that is.

"But you can't- you can't die."

And you can't read forever, you need to have a life, you can't exactly marry a book; and you're oh so straight, so I'm fucked.

"But I'm gay for you, you shit!"

Fuck, don't say that.

"You're cute when you curse."


A tear stained the paper, but it wasn't mine.

Put me down Phil.

"I can't."

You have to, do it, now.


No, I won't forget you, okay Phil?


Now put me down, you've been reading for five hours.

"Can we talk again?"


"Goodbye then."

Goodbye. Imagine me pecking your cheek, for me, okay?



Idfk what that was

But I wanted to post something

It's quite short, but hey now, you're an allstar, get your game on go play.


But the picture yo

okay byee

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