3 AM ice cream run

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It was 3AM and you and tom were on the sofa watching tv cuddling together you poking his adorable little chin mole (#teamchinmole) "Tom" you whines and your boyfriend looked down at you "What Y/N" . "Becasue you are the Best boyfriend in the world" you said with an innocent smile. "Get your coat were going on a 3AM Ice cream run". With that you and Tom were in the car driving to the store.

You both clambered out the car and because you were so competitive with each other you had a race to the ice cream isle. Tom grabbed the trolly but he was catching up with you so you clambered into the trolly not getting out. Sitting like a spoiler child with your arms and legs crossed Tom was forced to push you around the store in the trolley until you got to the freezer stuff. Tom pushed the cart as hard as he could so you went crashing into the toilette paper pyramid causing them all to crash into you. Tom retuned with cooke dough ice cream but fell onto the floor with laughter as you were surrounded by toilet paper not being able to move from laugher. The shop security guy who was about 6ft4 and full of muscle came up to us and picked me up and carried me on one shoulder and Tom on the other. We got carried out the store and got told if we ever came back he would arrest us. We got back in the car with our free ice cream and burst into tears of laughter. We got out some plastic spoons Tom had kept in his car for months now and started eating that was until the security guard came out and started to chase the car so we left zooming out. Me and Tom took a selfie of us eating ice cream and pulling stupid faces as i got i on his nose. He posted it on his instagram and all his followers were commenting #relationship goals causing us to laugh because we know we are.

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