New Life,New School,New Friends?

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Well here is my life story. My name is Jordyn Jones I am a famous dancer, you may think that my life is all rainbows, and unicorns but it really isn't I am basically a normal 14 year old girl I have an older brother and 2 older sister's my brother's name is Alexander Ludwig and my sister's names are Leven Rambin, and Sasha Pieterse they take care of me since my parents died in a fire 2 years ago but some how they made my life work and they are like my own parents. We are on the plane to Los Angeles California they say that if I move it will help me forget about the past and think about how great my life is so we are just about to land. We landed "Please exit the plane carefully and bring all of your belonings thank you for traveling with us today have a safe day!" Alex let's go!" Alright I know that you are very eager to go so let's move" a half of an hour later we were at our new house. " Wow! This is big!" I said in amazement. "Yes it is go pick your room and then your sister's and I will pick ours" I then quickly picked the biggest room in the mansion and started to unpack my belongings I only had my clithes and my brand new Iphone 5 well that and my laptop computer. I quickly got on instagram and took a selfy and posted it I got 50 likes in 5 minutes. Later on after evrybody was packed we went shopping for our beds I got a loft bed with purple draped xurtains that go down the front and Sasha got a creamy white colored bed Alex got a chocolate broen colored bed and Leven got a hot pink bed then I got to buy a desk a desk chair and a couch and tv for my room I got a black desk with a purple desk chair that spins and a light purple couch with a foot stool. We got a trampoline in our backyard and an in-ground pool. Then we got a black leather couch with a foot stool and a matching coffee table with a huge flat screen tv (I had a matching one in my room) a fire place which scared me and for our kitchen we got a double door stainless steel fridge with a vegtanle drawer and a freezer at the bottom and a stainless steel stove and a double oven and all new pots and pans and silverware and stuff like that. My new neighbors just knoxked on the door I opened it and saw Cameron Boyce, and Jake Short!! I was actually pretty surprised and so were they " Hello we are your neighbor--- OH MY GOD IT'S JORDYN JONES!! Cameron said jumping up and down."Chillax it's not like I am Johnny Depp or something!!" Well it was nice meeting you see you around considering we are your next door neighbors" Oh cool well I have gotta go eat dinner hey do you wanna meet my broter and sisters?" Yeah sure" Sasha! Alex! Leven! Come here I want you to meet the new neighbors!!" They all ran down the stairs" Oh hey Cameron!!" Hey Xander!" Wait... how do you two know eachother?!" I asked suspiciously " We were om the set of Grown Ups 2 together" Alex yold me." Well that makes sense!" Leven said. "She's a dumb blonde!!" I said looking at Leven "No I am not!" Shut up you two!" Sasha replied very annoyed by us. " Sorry they are like this all of the time!" Alex announced truthfully. " It's cool my sister Maya is wayyy worse!" Yes she is!" Jake said loudly."Well bye people nice meeting you I said and jogged upstairs to my room to watch tv and eat dinner. Well a.n.t farm was on so I turned it on and amediatly reconized that Jake was Fletcher from a.n.t farm. I mean how did I not know that one?! "Jordyn!" Alex called. "What!?" I yelled running downstairs with headphones in my ears I was listening to Don't Trust Me by 3oh!3. I was singing it to myself. When I noticed that Cameron and Jake were talking to Alex and Jack. Wait Jack is over so that meant that..."Isabelle!!!!" I screamed as soon as I saw her. "Omg!! J.J!!" How are you Izzy!?!?" I am great! Thank you for asking how about you!?" I am good hey you wanna see my room!?!" I asked excitedly. "Fo sho!!!" We jogged upstairs and I opened my purple door with pictures of me on it. My walls were turquoise and purple btw. "WOW!!! J this is incredible! You must love it in here you have your own lounge!!" Yeah but I missed you how are you and Jack." Well" she held up her ring finger and she had an engagement ring on it. "OMG!!!!! NO WAY!!!!!!" I know isn't it exciting!!" YESSS OMG OMG!!!!!!" I can't believe that I am getting married in a month!!" Only a month?!" Yesss it was kinda delayed but I said yes so I guess it doesn't really matter now!" Nope I guess not" But I have really exciting news!!! We are moving across the street from you!!" NO! AHHHHHH NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SOOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!" I thought you would be!!" Well you thought absolutely right!!!!" Jack told me not to tell you, because he wanted to tell you but I was like uh no way!!!!" Let me facetime Autumn and Camryn ( no not Cameron Boyce) "Omg! Hey Jordyn!!!" They both said at the same time " Hey gurly's" What's up?" Well you know Isabelle and Jack?!?!" No Duh!!!!" Well first of all they are here in L.A!" I pointed the camera at Isabelle for proof " Second of all they are getting married!! And third of all they are moving across the street from me!!!!!" I told them happily. They just kept screaming and saying ah no way!! " Can you give us a tour of your new house!?" Yes of course.!!!" Twenty minutes later. "So how did you like the house tour?!" We loved it but who is at your house?!" Oh that was Cameron Boyce, and Jake Short. Cameron Boyce is Luke Ross on jessie and Jake Short is Fletcher on a.n.t farm. They are my next door neighbors" I said braggingly. ( idk if that is a real word or not lol) " Luckeyyy!!!!!" I know!" Well we have to go Luv yah!! Text us!!!" Kay kay luv you too. Toodles sis's" Bye, Bye" Then they hung up. " I am bored Izzy!"Hey at midnight I can take you to the movies what movies do you wanna see?" Insidious 2, The Conjuring, or Kick Ass 2!!" How about the Conjuring and Kick Ass 2" Ok!" Well right now we can watch tv????" Of course!"Let's see whats on" she grabs the remote."Oh look it is Jessie" she clicks on it " Oh it's my favorite one!"( btw it is the one were Luke breaks his leg.) "Same!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2013 ⏰

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