I Wasn't Careful Enough on The Deep Web (part 1)

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The deep web is one of the most amazing things on earth. Not because of how joyfull it makes people or anything, but because it is a completely uncensored view of people. You can speak your mind, buy what you want, do anything you want, when on the deep web, you have complete and total freedom.

I had always been fascinated by the deep web, and at the time the events in this story occured, I was in college. Lots of people at my campus had really been getting into accessing the deep web. It was almost like a trend. With so many people getting on it, it seemed perfectly safe for me to give it a try.

Now I had always heard of the deep web horror stories, stories of hacking, stumbling on disgusting sites, and people even somehow finding your address. These stories were mainly what kept me off the deep web, but with most of the people at my college using it on a normal basis, I decided to give it a go. I asked a friend to comd over and help me set it up. When my friend arrived, we opened up my laptop and began to set everything up.

He told me that we were using tor, a program that lets you access the deep web. He also asked me if I was planning on doing anything illegal, to which I replied no. He said that since I wasnt, we didnt need to install TAILS which is apparently a software that makes it more secure if you plan on doing illegal things.

A little while later, everything was set up. I had my new ip address, and my friend gave me a brief rundown of what to do and what not to do. He made it VERY clear that when I was useing the hidden wiki, that I kept it on censored mode, so that it would be less likley for me to see something I didnt want to see.

After about two weeks of using the deep web, I felt like a pro. I had accessed many different sites, spoken with some great people, made friends, even bought some weed. I had become cocky and was ready to dig deeper into the dark web.

I turned off the censored mode on the hidden wiki and began to browse the links. It took a while, mostly because tor is a bit slow and many of the links just led to dead webpages. Eventually, I stumbled onto a site called "All the gore"

It was mainly a big chatroom, with many different topics. I had a fairly strong stomach, I had seen many violent movies, and had seen beheadings, killings, ect through the normal internet. After looking at a few different chat rooms, I noticed how sick this site really was. The people in these chat rooms were actuall killers, bragging about some of the things they had done. In the chat room, you could also post pictures, one man by the name of "Culture 045" had the stage in one of the chat rooms. He was explaining in detail how he had broke into someones house, kidnapped a little girl, and brutally killed her parents by hiding under there bed, and then opening their throats.

He then explained how he brought the little girl back to his house, raped her, beat her, and cut her up. I didn't think he was telling the truth at first, but then he posted pictures. These were the most horrifying pictures I had ever seen. Close ups of the poor 8-10 year old girl, being brutally raped, beaten, and cut with a knife. Culture kept posting pictures, the new ones were of the girl, tied to a chair, bleeding, crying, throwing up, ect. Then, he showed a picture of him with a drill, drilling into her skull. The most haunting part, is that while he was doing it, he was looking at the camera...with sheer joy on his face.

I had seen enough, and typed in the chat room window "you people are sick, and deserve to die, how can you sleep at night?" Immediately people began making fun of me, saying that I was "just as helpless and ignorent as the little girl in the pictures" and that I should "get off the big boy part of the internet" they began saying I was a pussy, and calling me an "empath" when Culture typed something in the chat box.

He said "Really? Where do you live buddy? Im sure everybody would love to see you on this site," I then maked the biggest mistake of my life, and typed "Im calling the police, and having this site shut down" less than a minute later, everything on the site when black, and a new chat box appeared in green. In it, someone named "Admin 1" typed in the box. He said "Call the cops, and you will regret it" I didnt type anything in the box, and reached for my cellphone. What happened next, haunts me to this day.

My phone said I had a new message, I opened it, and it said "Call the police, and your dead" there was no number, it didnt even say 'unknown number' it was just blank. I looked back at my laptop an saw my webcam light turn on. I quickly covered it but I saw on the screen, a picture of me, looking at my phone. I got wideeyed and froze for a moment, when the admin typed again. "Put the phone down, right now, and uncover your webcam." I put my phone down, but kept the webcam covered, when he typed again. "Ok then, be like that" right after, he posted my full name, age, and address, in the chat box and typed "it would be a shame if you and your college buddies went missing, wouldnt it?" He said. I then did as he said, and uncovered my webcam.

He then told me to follow his instructions on how to make it impossible for me to reach the site again. I followed each and every one, when I finished, I got a text that said "Now don't ever try and come back" just like before, it had no number. I still called the police from my friends phone, but they were never able to find the site.

If you ever go on the deep web, dont ever just mindlessly explore, especially if you dont have additional software to keep you more secure. I was a stupid college kid, and I just hope nobody makes the same mistakes I did. I moved to a different home and changed all of my information, but I still get nightmares to this day...

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