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1978_Jeju do

The wind howls as darkness starts to cover everything the light touches in the whole island of Jeju. The cool breeze coming from the sea is unbearable and waves strike the shore with so much madness.

"UHAAAA!!!UHAAAA!! UHAAAAAA!!!" Amidst the heavy rain,and loud thunders...a cry of a newborn baby filled the house near the cliff on the edge of the island.

''As what has been planned...it's a boy...'' the old woman announced as she held the newborn baby. Relief...excitement...and victory can be seen on the father's face. ''It's time...let your will be done, let the power unfold and be mine...hahaha!'' the father rejoiced as he held the baby up infront of a statue but his happiness was suddenly cut off. His wife is in pain..

''What's going on?'' he rushed to the room again and was surprised to see the old woman holding another baby.

''She gave birth to another baby boy...you have twins...'' the old woman said,her face is covered with confusion then the whole room is filled with the father's laugh.

"Haha! Then.... this means more power... everything will be mine!!" And he laughed even more.

"This is not written in the book..."the old woman cut him off with a hint of nervousness in her eyes.

"I am my father's son... these twins are my son.. our fate is all written in the book... the story will pass generations by generations.. blood by blood...wealth... power.... it is all in our hands, as long as a baby boy is born in each generation." The father stated with confidence.

"Yes indeed... your family's fate is already written in the book... the story or should we say plan written by your great great ancestor has been brought smoothly to life for hundred of decades now,nothing in your lives have gotten against the book...no one ever defied what is written in the book, you live by the story written in the book... you live your lives accordingly to what has been planned for you. The book tells you who you are and what you will become. The book that was sealed with blood of a man who has nothing in his heart but darkness..the book created to protect his greed and make him live.."

"Your point is..?" The father cut off the old woman and gave her an irritated look.

"This is the first time the story in the book was changed.."

"It is not changed...my son is born just as how it is stated."

"You are destined to have a child..a son to be exact... the one who will continue the will of the book.. Sanghyuk... the one who created the book will come back to life through your son and will rule the world with darkness... power will be on his hands.."

Devilish smile curved on the father's lips.

"And i will be king..."
"No... your son... the chosen one... the reincarnation of Sanghyuk... will be the king... unless he passed the power to you...

"And you think he will not?" The father said with arrogance.

"Will he...? Will he not...? No one knows... we all know that the most important part of the book went missing and wasn't found at all..."

The father gritted his teeth hearing the old woman's words.

"But it was wtitten in the book Sanghyuk will comeback to life with my son as instrument and i will rule on earth, i will have the power!"

"Sanghyuk will comeback to life,it is written in the book but it is not stated whether you will have what you've been wanting so bad all your life. The power you've been craving for... no one knows if you'll ever have it. Sanghyuk will comeback to life through your son... but you have twins... which one is the chosen one?"

Realizing what the old woman said Junseung got frustrated asking the same question.

"Ahjumma!!!" Junseung's wife suddenly cried and Junseung and the old woman rushed back to room.

"My baby...save my baby!" Seon-ah went hysterical holding one of the twins, the old woman took the baby from her and found out he is not breathing at all.

"My baby!!!!" Seon-ah cried, the other baby beside her started to cry too.. soon as the baby started crying loud thunder filled the island, lightning strikes everywhere,heavy rain started pouring as the wind gets even stronger.

"Save him please!!!" Seon-ah gets more hysterical as she saw hopelessness on the old woman's face, she tried to get up but she's still weak and in pain. Junseung took the baby beside her.

"Don't touch my child!" Seon-ah shouted at Junseung.

"He is my child too." Junseung hissed and took the baby out the room.

"Junseung!!! Junseungggg!!!" Seon-ah felt desperate at the moment. "Ahjumma... my baby... save my baby.. " she cried helplessly.

Junseung laid the baby in front of the statue in his library and started searching for something. "Tell me this is the one!" He shouted at the statue as if it has a life. He saw the book and browse on it quickly just to get more desperated seeing that the most important parts of the book is really not there and still nowhere to be found.

"Answer me!!!" He shouted like an insane. "This baby.. my son, tell me he is the one!!!" He held the baby infront the statue and the thunder and lightning got more stronger. The cloth covering the baby suddenly fell off revealing the child's birthmark that made Junseung stop.

"The mark..... he has the mark...." he whispered as he catch his breath... then the room was filled again with his victorious laugh.

"HAHAHA!!!It's done... the power will be mine!!!!" He rejoiced infront of the statue thinking only about his greed as he watch and enjoy the view outside the house.

Slowly the loud thunder and lightning subsided... the rain stopped pouring and the wind became calm..Junseung is a bit confused with the weather changed but ignored it, he was still overwhelmed with his excitement knowing the baby in his hand is the chosen one.

"UHAAHHHH! UHAAAHHH! UHAAAAHHHHH!!!!" he heard another cry of a baby and he rushed back to the room where he left his wife and found her sitting on the bed hugging the baby..."

"He's alive... he's okay now..." the old woman said as she assisted Seon-ah.

"She need to feed them first..." the woman took the baby from Junseung and carried it to Seon-ah. Junseung sat beside Seon-ah trying to touch the other baby but Seon-ah shoved his hand away. A painfull expression passed in Junseung's eye but just for a while. He stood up and sighed.

"We are a family now Seon-ah... these babies will bind us forever.. just accept it and we'll be fine." Junseung bent down to give her a kiss but she turned away her face, Junseung just smiled. "Rest for now." He said and left the room.

The old woman was standing by the window lost in her own thoughts.

"Just what happened to the lost pages of the book...?" She glanced at Seon-ah and the babies.

"Does it mean the chain is about to get broken...?'' She took a deep breathe and looked out of the window and saw the sun peeking behind the dark clouds.. the wind is at peace and the sea is calm.
She glanced back at the twins again who are now peacefully sleeping then back to the view outside the window.

"Light... after darkness..."

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