Not so small...;by rebeca

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Not so small....

A small egg,

she comes from.

Inside its her world,

where she has grown.

A small crack

she peeps out thrugh,

and then she comes out of her shell

and sees a different world, her eyes never drew

A small nest,

she lives in.

Waiting for wings to come

waiting for the worlds cruel test

she think she can win.

A small flight,

she was flying high in sky

without any fears

without getting sick of that height.

A small creature,

inspiring though her

sparkling eyes.

She knows that life's too short for her,

but she lives it to the fullest,

so a small life is not the smallest

She fights,she fly's

she survives.


hey everyone i hope you liked it and got the real meaning of it.and be it confusing???

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