Hold Your Breath

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I'd never hated my name more than when my step mom called me.

"Cands it's time to get up!" 

I didn't know why but I'd always hated the name Candice and my step mom, Lisa,  definitely made it worse when she called me Cands or Candy.

I groaned and rolled over to look at the clock on my night stand.  It blinked 7:00 am.  Way too fucking early to be up on a Saturday morning.

But this wasn't just any Saturday morning. No, it was the annual charity event my dad hosted every year for his stupid company. Some bullshit about giving back to the community when im pretty sure all the money went to pay for Lisa's new boob job.

"Candice you better be getting up!" she yelled again from down stairs.

I didn't see why I had to be up so early anyway. I've been "banned" from the charity event since last years when I insulted my dad's boss. It's not my fault her purple dress made her look like a plum.

"Candice don't make me come up there!"

"I'm up! I'm up!" I yelled back at her. Finally sitting up I looked at my night stand again and noticed the picture of me and my brother.  "Wish you were here Luke." I sighed before finally getting up for the day.


The rest of the day went by painfully slow. Helping Lisa arange flowers is not how I wanted to spend my Saturday evening. There were people in and out of the house making sure everything would be perfect for the night. Our backyard was so big we didn't need to have it anywhere else and since it was the start of summer the whether was perfect.

"Now Candice tonight I want you to go over to Mrs.Ross house. I don't want you out partying or anything." she stresses.

"What! I'm not a child Lisa I don't need to go to Mrs.Ross'. I was just gonna hang out with Ashley tonight." I tried pulling my best puppy eyes that I knew alway worked.

"Just you and Ashley...no parties?" She questioned

"No parties I promise! We'll just stay in and watch movies or something." 

After giving me a sceptical look she sighed. "I guess Ashley is a nice enough girl. Okay you can go but try to be back before 11 and please call if you plan on staying the night!" 

I nodded qucikly and raced up the stairs to get ready. 

Sending Ashley a quick text

"So what are we getting into tonight? ;)"


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