IX: Item

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Chapter IX – Item

Ashley POV

"Ashley… I don't know, but I think I love you. And that was what I told that woman at the bar! That all I want is you!"

Suddenly everything got really quiet. The street around us started to get a little blurry. I felt my entire body go numb. I couldn't feel my fingers and my arms just hung there like dead meat. All I could focus on was the man in front of me. His arms were outstretched, frozen as if waiting for my reaction and beckoning me to come closer. His eyes looked a little bit scared but what shone through most was resolve. Despite his apparent confusion and vulnerability he seemed to be determined that this was what he wanted. Me.

My mouth refused to work with me. I tried to make myself speak, but my voice failed me. So, I did the next best thing – I walked into his waiting arms and pressed myself to him as close as I could. I felt the rigid muscles in his back ease and his shoulders slump as he circled his arms around me and squeezed me tightly. For the first time in months I felt at home. Here, in this leather smelling embrace was where I belonged. As I pressed my nose into his chest he sighed and kissed the top of my head. I didn't want to let go yet. I wanted to stay in this bubble for a little while longer.

After a while of just holding on to one another, Juice slowly loosened his grip on me and I had to look up into his eyes. Though his eyes were usually extremely dark, they now shone with light as a huge smile spread across his face. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Can I offer you a ride home, princess?" he whispered.

"Yes please", I squeaked.

When we made it to his bike he handed over his helmet to me and sat on the bike, patting the seat behind him.

"I've never been on a motorcycle before", I admitted

"Really? Well then, hold on tightly", he chuckled.

I jumped on the bike (yes, I literally had to jump because, as said, I'm not the tallest person) and clasped my hands around him.

"You're gonna need to hold on tighter than that", he smiled as he started the engine.

As the bike roared to life and took off, I understood his point. I clung to him as if my life depended on it (which it actually kind of did). My cheek pressed into his leather cut as we blew down the streets of Charming. Even though I had never been a particular fan of speed, the ride was exhilarating and over way too soon.

Juice followed me to my door and as I turned toward him I was surprised at the sad look on his face.

"What's the matter?" I asked, concerned.

"Nothin'… I just… We're a… thing now, aren't we?" He barely met my eyes.

"Uhm… a thing how?" I was puzzled.

"You know, a thing, an item…" His insecure demeanor, although unnecessary, was completely adorable.

"Oh, you mean if we're a couple? Like in a relationship?" I decided to tease him a bit.

"Uhm… yeah?" He pushed his hands deep into his pockets.

"Well… I don't know…" I started and saw in his eyes that he was starting to panic. "…I have to try something first", I said and moved closer to him. I stood up on my tiptoes and pressed my lips to his. It took a moment for him to respond but when he did, he did it with fervor. One of his hands circled my waist and the other pressed against the back of my head. I brought my arms around his neck and held on. He lifted me off my feet with ease and continued to kiss me. I had never been kissed like this. It was sweet and tentative, but at the same time so all-consuming. When he finally sat me down I had to catch my breath. I looked up at him and smiled.

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