Chapter 15

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My screams filled the air as the boys touched and beat me. This really can't be happening. Please don't let this be happening.

My knees fell towards the ground by a punch. I groaned and held my stomach

Jasmine is dying. I need to help her.

I looked at Jasmine and saw that she was slightly smirking. The last guy kicked me right in the rib and that when I heard a crack.

A scream filled my mouth as the pain washed over my body.

"Jasmine." I cried and slowly moved closer to her. She just laid there. "Jasmine please wake up."

I crawled over to her so I was hovering over her.

"Hey!" A loud voice yelled. I looked at the source of the sound and saw a big group of people. There must of been about 10 people.

My body was exposed which wasn't the least of my problems. The group of kids started to yell when they saw the situation.

"Help!" I yelled with the last bit of energy I had. A girl ran over to be but not without punching Eric in the face.

"Oh shit." She said. The voice was very recognizable. "Call the ambulance there's two girls that are injured."

I looked up at my savor and felt safe. My eyes wondered off the Jasmine. My love.

"Jasmine." I whispered and tried to get a hold of her hand. "Thanks you...wait Ariana?"

"Kayla! Oh shit! Guys it's Kayla and her girlfriend. Beat the shit out of these assholes." Ariana said cupping my cheek. "Don't worry it's going to be okay."

I felt empty inside, the only emotion was fear. Fear that Jasmine was dead.

Eric is an evil guy. Cruel, but I would of never of guessed he would do such a thing.

But there was that one time when we first started dating he-he. I looked up the sky to try and stop myself from sobbing.

He forced me to have, breath in. Breath out.

I looked over at Jasmine and slapped her gently to wake her up. Finally the sob came out of my mouth.

"Jasmine I love you so much." I cried and embraced her in a hug. "Just please wake up. I'm begging you. I need you Jasmine. How am I going to live without?"

The sound of sirens was a relief.

"Jasmine please wake up." I cried. "There's so many things that we were going to do together. Just wake up please."

"I'm sorry miss but I'm going to have to ask you to move." A guy said. I looked around and saw it was pitch black outside.

I tried to get up but a sudeen pain erupted from my rib. Ariana sighed, with the help of her friends, they were able to pick both of us up and inside the ambulance.

Ariana requested that Jasmine and I be next to each other. She went inside the bus and allowed me to sit on her lap.

I felt so emotionless. As if this wasn't really happening. That's right this isn't happening its all a dream it has to be.

I was zoned out just focusing on the thought of my fiance. The love of my life, my soul mate. My hands made patterns on her palm.

I felt something touch my hand. It better not be that doctor. But my eyes then traveled down to my hands and it was Jasmine.

"I love you Jasmine. You can get through this because you're strong like that!" I said squeezing her hand.

This really can't be happening. Eric didn't do this, he just couldn't. Even after everything he did why?

Because we're gay and getting married? It doesn't make sense! What does it matter who I love? It has nothing to do with Eric. Sure I broke up with him but still!

It's none of his business it just doesn't make sense! Why would he do such a thing?

The ride to the hospital was silent. Just the sound of the doctors working on Jasmine to keep him awake.

When we arrived at the hospital they quickly took Jasmine away to save her life.

I looked at Jasmine, she's so beautiful. I realized she's safe.

My body can't do this anymore. The pain was becoming unbearable.

Black dots started to fill my vision and the surrounding area was turning in circles.

"Are you okay?" Ariana's voice echoed in my head. My body felt like stone and my legs were the sticks it was on.

I love you Jasmine please be okay.

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