chapter 5: party for two

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Estelle sat on her bunk with her legs cross. She moved here and there to try and work the fabric of her stiff pants. Estelle followed Finn pace around. " Ludgar, what do we do!! " He wined tossing the piece of paper in his hand up towards her.

She picked it up and read it over " stop your crying Finn " she sigh throwing it off her bed" its just a notice, for a party "

" party " he perk up. It reminded her of a dog, whose master has returned.

" oh yes a very fancy one at that. Oh my just look at that gold trim " she said sarcastically

" really!! " Finn answered

" no we're on gaurd duty." she said slowly glancing towards adamaï in the conner of the room, and raised a brow almost saying " so gullible "

Adamaï Shrugged his shoulders " dear Elle, you shouldn't pick on this poor thing" he joked getting up and walking towards her bed. " too bad, we can't get in. I hear there will be all kinds of action " he smirked

Estelle raised her brow at him " you know something, don't you" she said.

" well yeah I know stuff! But that doesn't mean I'm going to tell you" Finn answered with his arms crossed.

Estelle blinked in surprise. She had forgotten about Finn for a minute" if you say so " she said.

Adamaï let out a sly Snicker from behind her.

" ugh just go to bed " she said quickly rolling up in her blank. " how embarrassing " she thought hidding her face.

Estelle was in the training yard the next morning, sparing with Finn. The sound of their wooden swords traveled.

" your open " she called out getting a hit on him.

Finn winced and cursed under his breath " Damn " he said trying to hit her.

Estelle blocked him "you one hundred years to early to land a hit " she chuckle.

Finn rolled his blue eyes at her " you have to admit, I've got better " he boosted

Estelle caught him off guard and hit his thigh hard enough for him to yelp.

" Damn you " he yelled trying to hit her " stay still, you little.."

Estelle stopped in her tracks " what did you say? " she asked.

" I said you little.." was all he could get out before she hit him

" how dare you call me a little beanstalk" she puffed

Finn rubbed his right arm " I never said that! " He yelled back.

" are you positive?! " she asked nearing her eyes at him.

" yeah!!" He wined

Estelle gave him a smile " good! " she said tapping the wooden swords against her shoulder and her left foot against the ground.

Suddenly Finn was watched her hard. Confused she looked up at Finn's face. It was red " what? " she asked taken back.

Finn looked her up and down and shook his head confused " it can't be " he muttered to himself. " it can't be " he yelled holding his hand over his heart.

Estelle was confused just as he was " are you ok? " She asked walking towards him

Finn put up his hand to tell her no, but it was too late. He's hand was up against her chest. Estelle froze and looked down and looked up at Finn's flushed but confused face. Estelle took a deep breath before punching him hard in the face " why is everyone trying to assaults me!? " she growled leaving Finn on his butt.

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