In the present

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Clarke's pov:

She pushed her long brown locks off her furrowed brow, momentarily pausing, hand still entangled in her wavy hair. It was as if she was briefly caught in time, frozen in her own beauty and thoughts.
But as our eyes met she returned to the present, timidly smiling at me, the corners of her plump lips drawn upwards and a light appearing in her green eyes, the gold flecks illuminated.
She stood up, stretching her lean arms above her head, her top brushing over her tanned stomach, exposing her toned midriff . A soft blush appeared in her cheeks complementing her complexion as she rushed to pull at the hem of her shirt.
She let out an exasperated sigh 'it doesn't feel like we will ever finish this damn project' and slumped back to the floor, drawing her legs up to her chin. I nodded in agreement, my eyes flickering to the window. It was a beautiful day the sun was shining bouncing off every object that was lucky enough to be touched by it's rays. Much like the sun Lexa was glowing, her eyes has a light in them that I hadn't seen before, she looked far more alive than she ever did in class when her eyelids drooped and she stared wistfully out of the window as if she wanted to be anywhere but school.
She looked up from the paper she was scribbling on and caught me staring. She giggled, it was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard, and we both looked away blushing. My mind was racing and I wondered how I was lucky enough to end up in this position in the first place?

It's really short, sort of a prologue thing, I doubt anyone will read this anyway but there will be more up soon.

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