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So this is a flashback chapter.
Clarke's PoV

Sunlight streamed through my curtains, waking me up. I groaned and turned over attempting to fall back into the peaceful dream I was having. But my eyes landed on the clock, 7:30am. "Shit I'm late" I staggered out of bed and stumbled down the stairs.

Abby was sipping coffee and reading the newspaper, "mum why didn't you wake me up?" I asked "you looked so peaceful, I didn't want to" she said "yeah but now I'm late" I groaned. 
"Have some coffee, you can't think straight in the mornings" she knows me too well. I poured myself a large mug of the freshly brewed coffee, it's aroma filling my nostrils, making me feel better instantly, drank it quickly and ran back up the stairs.

I threw open my closet, pulling on my favourite black jeans, a blue v neck top and my bomer jacket. I pulled my blonde hair out of the bun I slept in and let it fall in its natural waves, framing my face. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs, "bye mum, see you later" I shouted, half way out the door. " love you Clarke, have a good day" Abby replied. I stepped outside and breathed in the fresh air, it was Autumn. Leaves were floating off trees that created a canvas of yellows, oranges and browns. I sighed and started walking towards the hell-hole that's called school.

I rounded a corner and the grey walls greeted me, the oppressive concrete instantly putting me in a bad mood. I let out a sigh but just as I was about to step towards school someone slapped my butt. "Ah good morning Raven" I said without even having to turn around. She put her arm around my shoulders and laughed "cheer up grumpy only 2 days until Friday". A slight smile appeared on my face, Raven always seemed to be able to put me in a good mood.

We never used to be close but after it became apparent that my boyfriend Finn was cheating on me with Raven and neither of us were aware of it for 6 months. We formed a bond of friendship that can't be broken by anything. "Bitches wait for me" was shouted in our direction, Octavia came jogging up to us. "Hey O"we both said, and then proceeded to walk towards school. But we didn't get very far before the sound of a motor took each of us out of our daydreams. "The commander has arrived" sighed Raven. The girl pulled up into her parking spot that no one else dared to park in, she removed her helmet, shaking her long brown locks and kicked a boot clad foot over her prised motorbike.

She wore black skinny jeans, fur lined black boots and a leather jacket. Her whole image was supposed to scare people, to stop them from talking to her. Mostly it worked. But not for me, I have no idea why but I saw something in her forest green eyes. It was like the mask of being emotionless lifted sometimes when our eyes met. Although it could simply be wishful thinking.

Lexa was head girl or 'commander' as some people had started to call her. An air of fear and respect surrounded her wherever she walked. But she had an emotionless look that was plastered on her face most of the time, and I couldn't help the curiosity that I had for her. I wanted to talk to her, find out more about her. Lexa woods intrigued me.

We walked into the first class of the day, it was chaotic. Jasper and monty the class clowns were throwing paper balls at people. But Lexa and her friend Indra were sat at the back of the class simply observing the chaos, both looking very calm. Raven, Octavia and I sat in our usual seats, by the window and engaged in small talk until Mr. Kane arrived. "Now class calm down" he said, "I've got a special project that we will be starting today". Everyone groaned, Kane pretended he hadn't heard. "I will be pairing you all up and giving each pair a different topic to research and then present to the class". "Do we even get to be with our friends?" Shouted Murphy. "No, a major part of this project is getting to know someone new" said Kane. The whole class sighed.

Once Kane had finished explaining the project he stared to call out the pairs. Mostly I was zoned out, staring out of the window but when he said "Octavia and Murphy I couldn't help but let out a laugh as O breathed "oh fuck well I won't be getting any work done then." Next he said "Raven and Wick" and me and O both nudged her and a grin appeared on Ravens face. Finally my name was called out followed by "Lexa Woods" Raven and O grimaced at me and said "lucky you" but secretly I was looking forward to this project.

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 28, 2016 ⏰

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