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Title: Pulse

Author: skinandbonesx

Genre: Science Fiction, Vampire

Rating: PG-13

Summary: “Mortality is the disease, and I’m the cure.” // Rowan Platts is an aspiring Animal Behaviorist, working as an intern for the world renowned Doctor Phelps while finishing up her degree. She is top of her class, has squeezed herself in as Phelps’ right-hand woman, and is the pride of her friends and family. Things can’t seem to go any better for Rowan, and when she gets the opportunity to take part in a ground breaking study alongside her mentor, she simply can’t refuse it, knowing that it will provide her with a stepping stone into a very successful career. She quickly realizes that she might have gotten herself in over her head though, when she is forced to sign a confidentiality contract with dire consequences if broken, and finds herself frequently stalked by tall men in sharp, black uniforms. The security measures all make sense when Rowan finally finds out what the controversial and completely undisclosed subject of their study will be; a boy with striking blue eyes, unnatural body chemistry, and an uninhibited taste for human blood.

Status: In Progress

Response: Holy shitake mushrooms this story is sooo good! Dani has such a way with words that you can literally feel what the characters are feeling. I've been terrified, sad, and moved in a way that is unexplainable to anyone who hasn't read it. So go read it! ;P

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