Chapter 3: Dark Games

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Author's Note: Hey guys, what's up? :D Hopefully you're enjoying the story so far, I know I am! Now, a few heads up before you start reading.

I'm introducing four OC's into the story, because they are needed for the plot to develop the way I want it to. I know some people don't like that, so I'm just warning you in advance. Three have already appeared (Alicia, Anita, Alex- hey, they all start with an A xD), so I'm now missing one. Also, if you haven't noticed it yet, this is sort of AU (Eterna IS a new world, so it has to be classified as such).

And I'm keeping and mixing some details of the canon story line, like the fact that, even in Destiny Islands, the currency will keep being munny.

One last thing: If you notice any of the characters being OOC, please understand, and forgive me. I was trying to make the beginning a bit more realistic than the game, but just a tiny bit. I don't want to muck the characterizations up, trust me.

And I've been forgetting this ever since chapter one, so I'll put it in now.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or any of its characters. No money is being made out of this.

Warnings: Mentions of sexy times, but nothing happens that merits a change in rating. And of course, the cursing. That's about it, really.


Chapter 3: Dark Games

The birds sang as Riku strolled along the sidewalk, making it an almost perfect day if you mingled it with the clear blue sky and the playful atmosphere all around him.

Too bad HE couldn't get injected with said playfulness.

"I can't believe our stupid professor paired us up for this stupid project! I mean, couldn't he see my 'Hey, I hate this guy, can you not pair me up with someone else' face?! This is so not fair!"

And this was definitely karma going up his ass for what he'd done wrong a long time ago. Couldn't she just shut up for oh, let's say, forever? She'd been throwing tantrums ever since they got out of class, for heaven's sake! And that had been over –he looked at his watch to confirm that yes, it had been over an hour ago. Geez, it wasn't as if he were the devil incarnate, so why the hell were her panties in a twist?

Well, it could be that bet you and that guy, Alex, made…

'Wow, that was very helpful, brain', he sarcastically thought.

"And why are we doing this over at your house? Can't we go to the park or something? All we have to do is make a canvas out of something that inspires you and trust me, anything that has to do with you disgust me."

Why oh why did he have to listen to Tidus and go to his stupid parties? Oh yeah, when alcohol got mixed with the guy and his over the top parties, there was no stopping Riku. He now regretted his decision of 'trying to be funny to impress the new guy' every single day of what was now his life.

"Why in the world you chose this class is a mystery to me, soldier in training. Aren't you supposed to be in physical education or something?"

Sighing out of misery he decided to respond in a not so friendly manner. He was getting close to pissed off, and that annoyed him. "Look, I've told you before and you more than anyone else know that I'm doing this for Kairi. She wanted us to be together in at least one class every damn semester and that's that."

"You know, your relationship with Sora and Kairi seems awfully suspicious. The way you treat and follow each other… Anyone with the wrong sort of mind would think you have a threesome or something."

Eterna {Kingdom Hearts 2013 Watty Award} {Romance, Semi-OC}Where stories live. Discover now