start from the start

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Okay if yhu wanna know my story lets start from the begging. The last day of school. Me and my lil bro anthony(he's a freshaman) walked into school. i went to go meet up with my girls Tey'Ah, Kylie, and Harmony. We was all looking fresh for the last day of school(on the side). We walked to the cafiteria to get our cap an gowns. Sense we are the top 4 girls in our class we got the red robes will everyone else got black.... I also found out that jacob latimore is gonna preform at sinor night tomorrow^.^ i cant wait hes so fine. aniwai back on to my story. after we got our cap nd gowns we toke them to my car.

~~out side~~

kylie(K): i cant believe this is gonna be good bye

harmony(H): i know i love yhu guys so much

Tey'Ah(T): guys we also have 3 mounths after graduation to hang

Me(M): actually guys we have less than that i got the earlier exception nd live in 2mounths :(

K: y didnt yhu tell us..

M: i was sad i dont wont to leave yhu guys..

H: look here atleast well be close somewat

T: true ill be in texas

H:ill be in louisiana

M: nd i will be in gorgia... tey the onli not gonna be close shes goin to julliard :(

T: actually im not i declinded jullliard and now goin to ellon university n atlanta gorgia

M: waiiit omg thats the same college as me omfg we could live together thats great news hun omg im so happy!!!!!!

T: calm down but yea we could

H: so we will all be apart but together

M: aye we coo but lets walk in school and oun that shxt... 

then we walked in to first period.... good thing for me i have office add my first 2 and for may last periods. which means i get to help jacob latimore (*.*) hes so cute.... 

~lunch time~


as i walked into the cafiteria jay nd tey ran up to me.. yelling saying how we are preforming today b4 the guess star does... see jay wasnt aloud to tell us who it was but she said he was sexi nd i take her word.. well i was like okaiii after school we had to get outfits.. the scared me..


after i told the girls bout our preformance, we went to trhe roof top to practice an old ruteine form like 8thgrade.. we did it then added a song and some dance moves. after lunch ended i went to my fifth period which was chior ^.^ i love tat class and sence its the last day of school my teacher asked me to sing a song for the class of course i said yes (on the side)... after i finished my song evryone was in tears cuz it was the last day of school we all went into a group hug nd song our class song :') im so pastionit about music nd ive grown close to evry1 in this class it suck to leave but i hav to. 



Still Jae'Chas pov

as i walked in to the office i started crying cuz evn though they where adults im still close to them. i walk up to the speecher to do the dayly annoucements(we do them the last period cuz we that coo xD) "alright guys this is the last time yall will here me ovr this inercom *laughs* but anyway tonight is senior night all seniors be on time cuz our guest star wants to say a few words to yhu guys, thursday night is our graduation plz dont be late we hav many supprises for the seniors. the last 30mins of the day teachers release all students who are goin to the schools conervel. for those who are not goin to the conerval release them to go home. yes our last day is shortened its the last day so we need to hav fun nd let loose for summer *starts cryin* have a nice d-day guys nd g-good bye to thermanwhite highschool" i sat down and cried for a while when i was done i looked up and saw jacob latimore walking in(shxt i forgot he would be coming to see the stage)as i fix my self he walked toward me i got up 

Me(me);yhur here to see the stage right

Jacob(J): yup but have yhu been cryin????

M: no dont worry about it

J: i can tell yhu hav yhur eyes r blood shot 

M: look yes ive cried but its cuz im levaing evrythin i ever loved md moving to atlanta gorgia

J: well yhur to pretty to cry nd ive done wat yhur about to do its hard at first but yhu'll get through it

M: listen here i dont need yhur advise okayy come wid me to my car so i can show yhu where the stage is

~Jacobs pov~

aww she so cute trying to hide the fact that she been crying.. nd shes feisty i like that

M: show me the way

i followed her out to her car. i got in she called ppl on her phone nd told them she'll be back for the conerval, she hung up the phone nd pluged it up to her car. she started playing old songs but it sound as if it was corvers by a group when she notcied wat she put on sge changed it to pandora.

M: y yhu change it

Her(H): cuz i wanted to

M: who evr they girls where can sing

H: cool idc

M: oh by the way  never got yhur name

H: its Jae'Cha nd my friends call me jae, but call me Jae'Cha cuz we"re not friends

M: y yhu so mean

she pulls over

Jae: listen her today hasnt been my best day nd yhu asking me all theses questions is not working for me so can yhu please shut up nd just ride. 

M: fine only if yhu tell me who those girls where

Jae: a group named HJTK

M: wat does that stand for

Jae: Harmony, Tay'Ah, Jae'Cha, Kylie happy now stop asking me all these questions

M: okaiiii

When we finally arrived at the vinue it was a college campus. She showed me where the graduation was nd where senior night was nd where my dressing room was. She gave me the address so i could give it my driver on the back of the paper was her numeber she told me to only use it if the driver got lost. yeah riht im bouta save this number. i mean look at her shes beautiful, odviously keeps herself up nd is smart cuz she has 4open periods (i was at the school alday just in discise :3) she drove us back to the school she told me to go back to the office she had to go to do something.... so i did managment picked me up nd  i prepared for my show

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2013 ⏰

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