Chapter 1

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Elizabeth awoke to a sudden crash through her old wooden door. She looked up and saw her professor looking down at her, the happiness his eyes normally held had completely vanished and had been replaced with a look of pure concern.

"Professor, what's going on?" Elizabeth asked her eyes now holding the same look.

"The time has come Beth, Miraz's wife has given birth to a son. You need to get to the stables. Caspian and I will meet you there, but you need to go now." The professor relayed, concern and panic were thick in his voice.

Without another word he handed Elizabeth her white tunic, brown trousers and brown boots. Elizabeth dressed quickly and placed her long brown hair into a fishtail braid.

"Will you be long Professor?" Elizabeth question the old frail man, who had tears in his old kind eyes.

With a shake of his head she grabbed her long, brown waist coat and ran from the room she had called home for so long. With one last look at the man who had look after for the last year she turn left and ran down the dimly lite corridor until she reached the small oak door that lead to an old stair case.

She followed the long spiral staircase down to the door that lead to courtyard. She open it gently and stopped when she had enough space to squeeze through, she knew if the door made a noise she would be caught. She stepped out into the shadows as a guard came into her view and she stayed in the shadows, following the brick wall until she reached the stable doors.

She gentle pushed the door open and drew her sword in case there was a Garuda lurking in there. Luckily she was alone. She put her sword away and pulled the door to so no guard would know she was there and waited for what seemed like years for Caspian and their professor.

After the longest five minutes of her life, the professor walked through the stable door and was shortly followed a distraught looking Caspian. When Caspian saw Elizabeth standing by the wall he ran over to her and embraced her in a tight hug. When he pulled back they both climbed onto the back of a chestnut brown horse. The professor said a few words to Caspian but Elizabeth couldn't hear what was being said. However she did see the professor hand Caspian a white horn.

Suddenly the horse sprang to life and galloped off out of the stable doors. Arrows began to fly through the air passed Caspian and Elizabeth missing them by only a few inches. The shouts from the guards got louder and Elizabeth could hear one shout to close the iron gate that lead to bridge out of the castle. Caspian kicked the horse to go faster and both he and Elizabeth ducked under the gate, but unfortunately before the gate came crashing down, ten guards got out and chasing after them.

They continued south of Telmar, but much to their despair some of the guards were still following and showing no signs of slowing down. Eventually they reached a small secluded lake and as the ventured in to the murky water their horse began to slow down, as it struggled through the depths of the icy water. However luck was on their side as some of guards failed to get through the water and when they got out of the lake only a few guards remain behind them.

When they got out they saw the outline of the forest and they knew where to go. They didn't hold back and this horse galloped through the tall trees dodging branches as it went. Elizabeth could hear the guards behind them and heard General Glozelle say to them "Go forward coward or spend the night in the cells."

Elizabeth then heard the hives of the horses behind them and knew they had ventured in and were once again behind them.

They were going so fast that everything around them was a blur of green and brown. Caspian looked back for a split second when out of nowhere he was hit by branches sticking out form a tree next to them. He fell backwards taking Elizabeth with him and they both hit the leafy ground with a thud. Elizabeth sat up and saw their horse run off, but turned around when she heard the sound of Telmarin shouts in the distance. They both stood slowly, but when they did they heard the creak of a door opening.

They looked round to see that a small green door was being open in the trunk of a large tree and they saw two dwarfs standing in they entrances with their swords drawn. One had long blond hair and a long blond beard, while the other was the same only his hair was black and he was slightly shorter then the other. The blond one ran in the direction of the guards while the other remains starring at them.

Caspian grabbed the white horn from his belt, the one Elizabeth had seen the professor handing over. Just as he blow the horn the dwarf charged towards him and knocked him over the head with the hilt of his sword.

Elizabeth ran to Caspian and the dwarf gestured to the door from which he had came and she nodded.

After helping Caspian inside Elizabeth went to search for the other dwarf, who she now knew as Trumpkin. As she called his name into the forest, she felt someone grab her from behind. She tried to scream but the hand over her mouth muffled her criers. She was dragged back in the direction of Telmar. She looked her left and saw that she wasn't on her own, but Trumpkin, the person she was looking for, had also been caught.

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