19 september 2015

47 3 3

today, six months ago, those not capable of being there during those previous, and fateful days, found out.


um, well-

it was difficult to process;

too much to process.

it changed a lot of people's lives and,


for the worse.

on that day, we knew it was something bad,

we knew it was something terrible.

but never this.

no, never this.

my story, my affiliation with him is that, well,

i knew him for a long time.

and yet, i never really knew him until the day he was already gone.

i was worried, i didn't know what was going on.

i went on a hunt to find more about him, because everyone else somehow related to him was fine, and there was no indication that he was still even around to say anything.

it was around noon.

i found out he had made videos, music, he was really talented.

i watched every single video he had ever been apart of.

every single one.

and, damn, he was hilarious.

i stopped worrying, i just laughed.

and whenever that creeping fear crawled into the back of my mind, i listened to his music.

he did all of the instrumentals, the lyrics, the vocals, he did all of it.

it was all him,

he was great.

but still, the lyrics,

they were an omen, they were signs, and i just-

i just wish i had found them sooner.

i just wish i could've said something, done something.

but i know now that, no matter what i could've done, should've done,

wouldn't have had any effect.

and so, i continued to watch, even rewatch, his little skits.

then, it was 7 PM.

i was still okay, relaxed.

until i read the post,

i read it and i felt every last little bit of okay,

every bit of happiness, had been stripped away from me, it was gone and i

and i was crying,

i was sobbing,

shaking, trembling,

there was a new sadness deep inside of me, roaring with fear and abandonment and all of the suppressed feelings i had previously stored within the darkest caverns of my mind, now added with the pain of him being gone.

him being dead.

and i simply cannot imagine the pain,

oh, the excruciating pain,

of those who got the privilege of knowing him before.

of knowing daniel kyre.

im so sorry.

im really sorry.

today, six months ago, the world screamed in agony as it was informed of its loss of such a meaningful and worthy young man's life.

today, six months ago,Where stories live. Discover now