Chapter 1

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Amber's pov

I was in a dark place where I cannot even see my own hands when I moved them in front me.

Where am I?

Then my vison became clearer as the place lit up slowly. I found myself in an empty concert hall with purple light embracing the whole atmosphere. Then suddenly, there was a red light that shone in front of me.

I saw

Then my next vision was that the concert hall was packed with sardines of people roaring and cheering as if anticipating for something to happen.

The amber light grew as if it was feeding on the encouragement of the loud chants. It grew in strength, increased its territory and it shaped itself like a sword slaying the people.

As if focusing on me, the light came approaching me slowly and it shone on my face directly! Once the light hit on me, a splitting headache came crashing on my head. It was so painful, as if breaking down my body into cells, into molecules and into atoms particles. I placed my hands to protect my eyes from the merciless and powerful glare. I yelled as loud as my lungs can projected, "Get away from me!!!"


Amber's pov

I opened my eyes and saw the white ceiling.

I just woke up from a bad dream?

I felt droplets steaming down my face.

Is it sweat?

But wae only on my face and not my neck?

I wiped the presumingly sweat off my face and upon touching them, there were still warm.

I turned around, found myself lying on a bed in unfamiliar place. I am wearing a white clothes that seemed to be for patient that just came out of operation room. Then something on my right moved and that caught my attention. I giraffed my neck and my heart skipped a beat!

That something is really a thing!

A living thing!!

A human being!!!

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