Justin Bieber- A Dream Come True

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INFORMATION- Your name is Isabel Rose Caylor, your 16, your favorite color is purple, you LOVE Justin Bieber, you have a mom(Brenda Cartin), dad(Jack Cartin), and 1 little sister who is 9 years old(katie cartin), and she is obsessed with Justin Bieber on almost the same level as you. You had just become famous on youtube by sending videos to your family of you singing the national anthem because it was to big of a link to send as an email, so you put it on youtube, and eventually there were MILLIONS of views, and that is how your manager- "Cathy Rosset" discovered you! THE STORY--- Isabels POV-Ellen: " Hey Isabel, Finally nice to meet you!" Isabel: " Oh my gosh this is SUCH an honor. I am so excited to be here too! Ellen: " Yeah, Yeah, I know everyone loves me! (Crowd Laughs) So your full name is Isabel Rose Cartin right?" Isabel: " Yep." Ellen: " Beautiful name, you remind me of myself when I was your age...." Isabel: " In what way??" Ellen: " I WAS B-E-A-UTIFUL! Haha... Good times.(Crowd Laughs) So, you basically got discovered on youtube by posting a video of you singing the National Anthem, then you got discovered?" Isabel: " Yeah, in general that is what happened. I am so blessed that my manager "Cathy Rosset" discovered me. She has helped me a lot and I am excited to be working with so many different people. Actually, I just came out with my new single called "Beautiful Love" That I wrote all by myself." Ellen: "I was listening to it earlier and it is an amazing song! How did you write it. Do you have inspirations?" Isabel: "Well, it is acutally a really funny story because I was eating cereal, while I was kicking my foot on the island(table for food), then my mom kept yelling at me to stop. Of course, being the 16 year old teenager I am, I didn't stop so to tune her voice out while she was yelling at me I Started humming REEALLLY loudly. While I was getting a beat with my foot and humming my mom just stopped me. She told me to do exactly what is just did {singing wise} so I did. When I got it right I wrote it down and BAMN!! There it was." Ellen: "Wow, Mom she got you didn't she!" (Mom yells from crowd) Mom: "Yeah, she is always gonna hold that on me." Ellen: " Well Isabel, I have a suprise for you." Isabel: "Really? What is it?" HMMMM>>>What is the suprise... OH MY GOD.... It cant be. Its him.... THE ONE AND ONLY JUSTIN BIEBER! Isabel: "ELLEN YOU DID NOT!" Ellen: "Oh... but I did!" Isabel: " Oh my god. Oh my god. oh my god." I ran over to him and I threw my arms around him so tight that I thought I probably cut off his circulation. It felt so right. Almost like it was meant to be. I shook that off my mind and just hugged him. He started to pat my back after the 3 minutes that I was squeezing him to death. (As in, that he had to let go) So we pulled apart then Ellen told us to sit down. There were only 2 seats so I told Justin to sit down while I just stood up. Isabel: "Justin you can sit down. I can stand." Justin: " Ok." I thought he would be more of a gentleman and say it's fine but no, I Thought wrong. I watched as he sat down. He patted his thighs as if he wanted me to sit on his lap. I didn't question it because he was THE Justin Bieber so I just sat down feeling the warmth of his thighs (Ha Ha lol.... Back to story). Ellen: "So, Isabel, Do you like your surprise?" Isabel: "....No" They both looked at me like I was an alien and the audience just gasped. Isabel: " I don't just like it... I LOVE IT! Everyone laughed and clapped while I saw Justin blushing out of the corner of my eyes. Ellen: "Well good because there is more." Isabel: "Oh my god Ellen I love you so much. What else?" I said it VERY eager. Ellen: "Why don't you tell her Justin!" Justin: "Ok, well first... I hope you know that you are very beautiful." I blushed so hard when he said that. "And, there are a couple of surprises I have for you. 1) Well I was talking to your 2 Best Friends according to your mom and they said that EVERYONE said in middle and high school that you sucked at singing and you would never meet me. So I talked to your principal and she agreed that we could go to your old high school(You are now home-schooled) and we could talk to them and sing "Never say Never" since you did and look where is has gotten you." Isabel: "!! I am speechless.. I can't thank you enough Justin. AHHHH!" Justin: " I'm not done yet!! Ha- So the other 2 suprises is that you can invite 4 friends and we can hang out at the mall, play video games, and be in my music video for a song that I am still writing." Isabel: "WOOW! What song?" Justin: "Well... I was hoping that we can make a duet together and have your four friends in the music video as well as us" Isabel: " I LOVE YOU SOOOOOO MUCH! Thanks soooo much Justin!" Justin: "Your welcome beautiful." Wow.. I can't believe he is really doing all of this for me. I can't believe this. And Omg he just called me beautiful. This is U-N-B-E-L-I-E-V-A-B-L-E! WOw! Ellen: "I also have 1 more suprise..." Isabel: "What is it now???!!" Justin whispered in my ear "Oh, your gonna looovee this surprise....... Ellen: "...........

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