Day 3

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Rachel pushed open Mathew's door. It was 6:45am and she was one of the first to arrive at the building. She had dark circles from lack of sleep and the only thing keeping her up and running was the glass of coffee she'd had on her journey here. But it wasn't the American horror story series that she'd secretly been obsessing. Oh no it was the infamous Mathew Barrymore. With his wide smiles and subtle hints he was driving her crazy. She wanted to know all about this story and refused to do anything without her answers.

Even at this ungodly hour, Mathew was still in his usual position. Perfectly kept and with a smile on his face.

"My, my," his smile grew, "it seems as though you had close to no sleep last night." Rachel glared at him and Mathew simply held his hands up in mock-surrender. Sighing, she fumbled with her pen, trying to find the perfect position.  She was going to write a lot today. At least that was what her plan was.

"I warn you now Rachel, this is no child's story. It is not for the faint of heart." Mathew tried to divert her attention but being the stubborn woman she was she urged him to continue. Mathew sighed and just slowly nodded his head, knowing she would not change her mind on the matter. Rachel internally smirked and prepared herself for the story she'd dreamed about.

"Mr Thomas and Mrs Rose Barrymore were happily in love so the new gift of god in rose's womb was a blessing to them. The first 7 months were perfect. Thomas loved his wife dearly and their unborn child more. He would always touch Rose's heart with tiny gestures. Breakfast in bed, her favourite show on movie night even Starbucks 2:00 am for her cravings. Just tiny things that made her feel like a high schooler with a crush again. That was all until 4th march 1994.

"It was their 2nd year anniversary and 2 months were left until their beautiful baby boy's due date. Mathew they wanted to name him. After Thomas' father. Rose couldn't wait until 8:00pm when Tom would return home after a long day at work. He would always sweep her off her feet with flowers or a passionate kiss. Gosh she was sounding love struck again. She'd made his favourite meat loaf and even recorded the new star wars he was always babbling about. But he never came home that night.

"Rose worried and worried. She sat downstairs not wanting to do anything without her Tom. And then she heard it. At 1:00am the front door's lock clicked open and in stumbled a very late Thomas. Anger swallowed her whole. He had the nerve to show up 5 hours late and walk through the front door as though it was nothing. No way was she letting this one go. She stomped over to him and could practically see the alcohol roll off him in waves. He was drunk. Great.

"Oyyyy..." his words slurred, "wife get me a bear."

"Tom I think you've had enough to drink love," Rose approached him slowly. He turned to look at her.

"Don't call me that..." he whispered. Rose frowned.


"Don't call me that! That's what he called me. He never loved me and I'm exactly like him!" this time Thomas was shouting. Rose flinched and cowered away. She had been warned about his attitude changes but had never witnessed them, not before today anyway.

"You stupid w......! You can't do anything right, can you? Where's my f...... beer?" and with that he edged towards her, a sinister smirk playing on his lips.

"You are going to be punished!" it was almost as if he was singing this to her, mocking her. Rose backed away, unsure of how to react to this side of her husband. Thomas laughed at her shaking legs and stumbled forward. He raised his hand and SLAP! Never did she ever think that a slap to the face was so painful. It hurt her inside and out. Physically and mentally. And all that was on her mind was Mathew. Her little baby boy Mathew..." Mathew stopped speaking. Rachel looked up just in time to see his pupils dilate and face harden. He stopped shaking and narrowed his eyes at her.

"Well, well, well. If it ain't the nosy Rachel Smith. Didn't I tell you if you wanted my story go to the police?" Rachel shrunk back into her chair and looked up at him. Not knowing what to expect.

"Just tell me your story Barrymore." She was too tired and curious to let his attitude get to her.

"Demandin' me now are we?" he sneered at her, "well I don't sugar coat nothin' so prepare yourself." Rachel simply gave a stiff nod, mentally congratulating herself that it didn't go wrong. Mathew closed his eyes.

"He beat her every night after their anniversary, like the incompetent fool he was. He was lucky he didn't kill their baby and sure enough on the 4th July 1994 Rose went into labour. The doctors didn't question her many bruises and Thomas just explained she fell a lot. He gave her a year with Mathew. No physical abuse so she could raise his child properly. God knows where that small amount of morality came from, but Rose didn't complain. As long as he weren't hurtin' her he could do whatever the hell he wanted.

"She did however notice something about her son. He was strangely intelligent, remembering close to everything. She didn't say anything to Thomas though. Knowing his solution would be to simply beat her for having a freak child. So instead she raised the freak she brought to the world, never forgetting it was his pregnancy that initiated the abuse.

"Rose lived like this for 6 years. Raising her son and tolerating abuse from a violent Thomas. It was on the night of their 8th anniversary that she left. Thomas came home to an empty house besides his sleeping son, with no remains of his ex-wife besides her engagement ring. He deserved it though. She was pushed to her limit, seeing Thomas kiss another woman in their living room in front of their son. Sure she hated him but he didn't need to ruin him like so..." Mathew's eyes snapped open.

"Huh!" he scoffed, "ruin him more like destroy, eh little girl?" Rachel was unsure how to answer the, what seemed to be, rhetorical question. She simply fidgeted with her pen her previous adrenaline rush wearing off.

"What you just gonna sit there and not answer my question huh?" his jaw clicked with fury, "didn't your mamma raise you right?" Rachel stiffened at her mother's mention.

"My mother is dead," her head lowed further.

"Oh save the sob story for someone who cares," he rolled his eyes, "just get outta' here. I've tolerated you long enough have I not? Just leave us be."

"Fine, I'll leave you for now but be warned I will be back tomorrow for your story." Her chair squeaked as she got up.

"And a story you'll get..." Mathew's voice followed her out of the room. She stalked off but not before realising: Mathew had referred to himself as us...

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